Tenses and Point of View in Fiction: Is Present Tense More Desperate?

Aug 01, 2008 23:09

with examples from Stargate SG-1There are two conscious decisions an author must make before beginning a piece of writing-selecting the tense of the story and the point of view. These two things can set the tone of the piece, determining whether the reader is close to the action or further removed. The more immediate the action and the reactions ( Read more... )

pos:verbs:tense:past, author:melayneseahawk, pos:verbs:tense:perfect, pos:verbs:tense, writing tips:pov, !feature, writing tips

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haldoor September 4 2011, 08:09:48 UTC
Yeah, I get what you're saying - if it's your character, of course you're going to know them! And it's not primarily because I always think the writer who uses another person's character is arrogant; and most of that stems from my own reluctance to assume I know those other characters as well as the writer. I don't want to be in their shoes because I don't feel confident enough to assume I know them well enough. If I write them in third person, it's like I'm one step removed and maybe I can show them okay, if not as well as I feel I should in first person.

However, as I said above (probably not clearly enough!), it's mainly a personal preference, in that I don't generally like to be thinking of that person so intimately (I like to be a step away); I don't want to identify as the 'Me' or 'I' in the story; I prefer to read other people's experiences, if that makes any kind of sense. I think I'm probably more of a watcher than a doer, and at a guess, maybe people who prefer first person are the opposite! Which isn't a bad thing, of course - if anyone's got a problem, it's me!

I'm not completely opposed to first person, though! I have read some really good stories written in it; both fanfic and original fiction. Generally though, it appeals to me less in fanfic (which is what I was commenting on above), and overall less, even if I'm more likely to read it in original. In truth, a couple of my favourite authors (both of whom I have 20 books or more) write in first person, so there you go; maybe I'm breaking my own 'rules'!

Good luck with your own fic; it sounds like you certainly have a good grip of your own characters, and maybe I don't identify enough with mine (I write orig fic too but in 3rd person, mainly) or I'd do in first person too!


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