Blast from the Past: Defuse vs Diffuse

Aug 09, 2013 09:16

This Blast from the Past feature is going to focus on the difference between defuse and diffuse, as originally discussed in this excellent article written by mab_browne.

With crossover examples from MacGyver and Stargate SG-1:

Because the words defuse and diffuse sound so much alike, it's really easy to confuse them. However, both words have entirely different meanings, which can confuse the reader if used incorrectly, so let's talk about the differences to help in deciding which one to use.

According to, defuse is defined as the means to remove the fuse from a bomb or mine; or to make less dangerous.

Jack O'Neill didn't have much faith in MacGyver's talents as he watched the man try to defuse the bomb, especially since he didn't use "proper" tools. But then again, he didn't have a choice as it was about to go off. Any attempt was better than being blown to smithereens.

The tension in the room was intense and Daniel decided he'd better try to defuse the situation now instead of later in case Jack accidentally screwed things up. But before he could react, MacGyver stepped up to the plate first.

Diffuse, on the other hand, means to pour out and spread, as fluid; or to spread or scatter widely or thinly; disseminate. It also has a physics meaning, to intermingle by diffusion (the movement of objects or particles away from one another - Grammar Girl).

"Oh great," MacGyver said as he watched the gasoline diffuse throughout the small room he and O'Neill were trapped in. "This is what I get for trying to help!"

"I know you're not blaming me," Jack said with a growl. "I'm not the one who brought us into this room in the first place." He glared at Mac, then went back to looking for a way out despite the hazy, diffused light source.

Making sure the right word is used is not difficult. I love the mnemonic that mab_browne used: "If you want the opposite of things going boom, whether the explosion is chemical or emotional, you want defuse." And Grammar Girl has another great one: "Use defuse when you are removing 'de fuse' from an explosive situation-remove “de fuse.” Otherwise, it could blow up, and everything in sight would be diffused in an instant."

author:traycer_, !blast from the past, word choice:homophones, word choice:correct use, word choice:similar words

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