Reminder: Offers can be posted until tomorrow (oh noes!) at 7pm AEDT. We need you (yes, you!) to pimp your offers. Let the bidding wars intensify!!
Apparently, Oprah did a voice over appeal on her show. Only watched the copulating koalas myself. Anyone?
Storms appear to be the problem this week, with electricity out again last night for flood affected areas (and more).
There was a flash flood in Rockhampton last night (there are people there who are STILL unable to get home, after almost three weeks).
More storms are predicted for today, QLD. Stay dry. (I'm looking at at least two of you.)
This is the worst flooding the state has seen in 130 years. It is predicted to "remain a problem" well into next week.
Channel 7 reporter Nuala Hafner posted
this photo of the Murray Valley Highway (Kerang) this morning.
The Sydney Morning Herald is more interested in breaches of security and privacy at my former employer than they are about flooding in the state.
Although they did report about the toddler who died in floodwaters.
And that my friends, is all you get this morning as I venture in to pack up the last of my office. When I get back home, I expect to see more offers and MORE bids!