Introducing LJ United

Apr 30, 2008 20:27

Hi. My name's Mark. Some of you might know me from as LJ's first "All things Business" Manager in the early, freewheeling days of the site before it started becoming yet another dotcom.

Recently, I created
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tareacel May 1 2008, 17:39:23 UTC

I didn't start reading or writing slash until I was seventeen, but I was reading and writing *straight* porn by the age of 15. Voraciously. And, being female, at that time I was *statistically* more likely to go out and *get* raped (the ratio is 1 in 4 now, it was 1 in 3 when I was 15) than to go out and try to do it to someone else.


insomnia May 1 2008, 19:09:56 UTC
As I mentioned to him, the popularity of slashfic, as a trend, seems to be quite influenced by Japanese fan culture... which includes fanmade literature, yuri, yaoi, etc.. . aimed at, and often created by, a younger audience.

In that sense, I don't really see much difference between someone who is young in the U.S. getting censored for expressing a kind of imported Japanese cultural standard that is still very new and misunderstood in this country, versus someone in China getting censored for expressing western ideas regarding democracy and free speech.

We're moving towards a kind of global blending of cultures and standards, and that's leading to a lot of kneejerk misunderstanding, rather than serious efforts to see where people are coming from. As such, we need to be inclusive when it comes to free speech, especially on global online communities, because we're dealing with the beliefs and standards of many different people, all of who reasonably believe that their rights should be respected.


athenemiranda May 1 2008, 19:08:27 UTC
Not non-existent, sadly. But damn small.

The OP just killed the entry. Heh?


insomnia May 1 2008, 19:24:08 UTC
He replied back:

"You obviously don't even care what comes out of your mouth. Your double-sided, what's the common parlance these days, "bipolar" approach is exactly what I dislike about the typical liberal activist. And this comes from me, a person who used to be terribly activist and still today quite a great deal more liberal than even your die-hard local organiser for NORML, PETA, Earth First!, HLF, you name it. I don't like what appears to me to be cognitive dissonance, I don't like people who destroy their own integrity and change stances just to feel the thrill of victory, and I don't like being hounded ( ... )


briarwolf May 1 2008, 20:14:22 UTC
His reply to you was rather more polite than his reply to me. My post pointed out that I'd started slashing before I was 18, but never mentioned whether or not the characters involved were underage (and they weren't). The only reason I actually answered though, was to express my displeasure at people constantly screaming that they're doing this for the children. I've got one, and I don't want other people protecting him for me.

In response, I was called a psycho, told my child would grow up psycho and repeatedly sworn at. I think, seeing as this person is often incoherent and can't seem to make a point without namecalling, that this person probably doesn't pose all that much of a threat and the effort of arguing with them is pretty pointless.

Now I have to go to work, and apparently, be psycho.


insomnia May 1 2008, 20:19:17 UTC
I didn't notice his reply to you previously, but no. Not very nice of him.

Really, I didn't want any kind of conflict. I just wanted him to know that he was mischaracterizing the community. But apparently, he's unwilling to accept that fact.


athenemiranda May 1 2008, 23:20:00 UTC
I saw that 0__o

Have a nice psycho day at work!


insomnia May 1 2008, 19:27:31 UTC
Or rather, that was his reply to me, before he deleted the entire post, which included numerous in-depth discussions of the various issues involved.

And now he's claiming that by my inviting you all in to challenge his assertions that you don't exist, we were bringing "adult content" into an all-ages community.

Is it just me, or does he come off as a complete loon?!


blackbird_song May 1 2008, 19:34:17 UTC
It's not just you. Quite apart from the fact that he's pretty incoherent in his writing and makes a ton of faulty assumptions and ad hominem attacks, this guy sounds as mad as a hatter!


insomnia May 1 2008, 20:00:11 UTC
Well, given that he asked me whether I would also stand up for the rights of the members of the parryhotter community...

... and that he said slash writers were probably adult pedophiles, and said "you show me" when I suggested that wasn't the case.

And then accuses us of bringing adult content into his community?

Well, he kind of opened the door on that one, didn't he?!

Obviously, he demands the right to smear people who support the rights of those who write slash, so long as they don't actually point out the fact that it's not a threat to anyone.


athenemiranda May 1 2008, 23:18:39 UTC
Yeah, a loon, and a very defensive loon at that. He reminded me of this.

I can't view that link, sadly - not a member. I'm not sure I want to, though :P


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