the following are presented without comment. except for the parts with comments.

Aug 12, 2007 18:30

This is stuff from the mod queue and my inbox. I really love that you guys submit posts and links, and I really hate that giant red "reject" button, but I think it's better to try and round up links in news posts than fill up the f-lists of a couple thousand people (!!) with small chunks of info.

names, news

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Comments 68

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cloud_strife August 13 2007, 16:25:55 UTC


newredshoes August 13 2007, 00:04:35 UTC
Hi! This sounds incredible -- I definitely want in on this, whenever it happens and on whatever scale. I love that when things gets tough, fandom gets going -- there's no way to type this without sounding like a moron, but, go you!

I've been mulling over some of the name suggestions I've seen peppered through the comments on your features list, though, and I have one suggestion: stay away from anything that contains the word "haven" or "sanctuary" or anything else that carries the air of being persecuted. I'd rather see this be a fandom-positive space, as opposed to a diaspora. Maybe emphasize the collectivity, or the interdisciplinary nature of fandom.

(It's possible someone has already said this -- I haven't gone through the names post yet, in which case, sorry for any repeats.)

Of course, this is all very easy when I have no suggestions for names myself, but I wanted to put that out there. Thanks so much for all the amazing effort you're pouring into this project!


maybemabel August 13 2007, 01:10:39 UTC
I've been mulling over some of the name suggestions I've seen peppered through the comments on your features list, though, and I have one suggestion: stay away from anything that contains the word "haven" or "sanctuary" or anything else that carries the air of being persecuted. I'd rather see this be a fandom-positive space, as opposed to a diaspora. Maybe emphasize the collectivity, or the interdisciplinary nature of fandom.

That's actually a very good point. I think I agree.


innerslytherin August 13 2007, 01:13:08 UTC
I don't know, I feel the word "haven" in particular just implies that this is a safe place. It doesn't necessarily, to me, have negative connotations, so much as that this place welcomes you, no matter what.

*shrug* But I could be in the minority on that one.


jissa August 13 2007, 04:32:01 UTC
If only this didn't make so much sense! I quite liked the idea of it being called sanctuary or haven but you make to good of a point for me to stand by them.


Open Something? branchandroot August 13 2007, 00:15:40 UTC
I still hanker for Our Thing. But it also occurrs to me that, if we don't do that, we might want to use something with Open in the title. The whole open-source, open-software movement seems to have the same basic ethos we're aiming for, here, and tapping into that concept could give people an idea, right off, of what this service is about. I'm not sure what would go with the Open, maybe something about words or language or writing.


Re: Open Something? maybemabel August 13 2007, 01:13:14 UTC
I like that! All I can think of is OpenPlace, though, and that's a bit silly.


Re: Open Something? atrata August 13 2007, 03:47:17 UTC
Hrm. Definitely a possibility, because you're right about the open source connection.


Re: Open Something? ranalore August 13 2007, 05:18:38 UTC
Oh, I love the idea of "open" in the name. Maybe openwrite?


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atrata August 13 2007, 03:46:32 UTC
Man, if you guys keep telling me you like "our thing," you're going to end up stuck with it. *grin*


train_diskense August 13 2007, 00:33:00 UTC
Going on what _branch_ , above said, maybe something like OpenPress, OpenPrint, OpenWord, OpenLetter or OpenJournal. *shrugs* Dunno if any of those would be good ideas or not.


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Re: Open Something? anyotherknight August 13 2007, 00:44:40 UTC
I like the idea of telling people I'm on OJ.


Re: Open Something? train_diskense August 13 2007, 05:01:49 UTC
*snickers* That would be brilliant.
Me: Catch ya on OJ!

Friends: O_O?!?!?


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