finally, the post of doom!

Aug 09, 2007 00:30

Results of the Request Post of Doom, plus comments from the other journals and from e-mails, under the cut. Sorry it took me so long. It's kind of huge, and I'm ill today. Note that something's presence on this list doesn't mean it's absolutely going to make it into the software. It's a long list, yo. I think we'll be putting it to the community to ( Read more... )

features planning

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mezi99360 August 9 2007, 05:47:32 UTC
One feature I like (and I'm unsure if it was something that most other people dislike, that could be a reason it's not here) is the little window that comes up when you hover an icon, the one that has the little options about "add this user/community" and "join this community" and "view profile" and the like. If most people already said they dislike it, then sorry to have wasted your time.


atrata August 9 2007, 05:59:26 UTC
Oh, no, I think most people pretty much love that feature. It's definitely something we'll be trying to keep.


dragovianknight August 9 2007, 06:05:14 UTC
I adore that feature. It's much easier than having to click through to the user info and do the whole friending/comm joining thing.


bookworm_2005 August 9 2007, 06:42:43 UTC
I agree that it can be irritating. Would love a way to turn it off, or perhaps to put a small time delay on it (i.e. you have to hold your mouse over the user icon for x amount of seconds before it kicks in).


atrata August 9 2007, 07:17:33 UTC
Yeah, a time-delay would definitely make it better. Or maybe you right-click to invoke the box or something. Hmmm...


trobadora August 9 2007, 16:18:33 UTC
Now that is an excellent idea. I hate the thing and turned it off because every time I moved my cursor across the screen, one of these obnoxious things would pop up and obscure what I was looking at. Invoking it via right-click would be absolutely awesome.


surge_bsb August 9 2007, 07:13:30 UTC
I personally hate that feature, and have turned it off in all my journals.


atrata August 9 2007, 07:17:53 UTC
I didn't know you could do that!


gaycrow August 9 2007, 07:33:50 UTC
Is that a drop down box that comes up when you hover over the little head in front of a user's name?

I disabled that because it really slowed down my page from loading. I didn't like it at all. :/

Just mentioning it here, so that we could have the option of disabling it ...


atrata August 9 2007, 07:37:01 UTC
Yeah, that's what it is. I didn't realize it was disableable, but that's definitely good to know. I want to make as much of this stuff as possible things users can turn on and off.

(Hi Gaye! *waves*)


Hello! gaycrow August 9 2007, 07:45:31 UTC
Hello and Go you!

Sorry I haven't commented before, but all of this LJ crap has stressed me out. I think you're fantatstic to take this on.



undomielregina August 9 2007, 14:17:59 UTC
since it shows up on the icon and on the little head in front of a username, could we just have it one place or the other (preferably on the head, not the icon). Having is on the icon causes too many appearances of the box when I don't want it, and it takes forever to go away when I move the mouse off.


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