
Aug 08, 2007 22:27

Man, I really really wanted to have the Features Post of Doom up, but I'm still compiling. Yesterday I sat in a bar for three hours after work and made notes. Nineteen pages of them. *grin* If we can get even half of this stuff done, it's going to be totally awesome.

Now let's do the news.
  • No one really cares about my e-mail issues, but I was having them, and now I'm not. I still have a zillion comments to go through, though, and I estimate one-third of the comments directed to me never showed up, and also there are a few hours of time where I just wasn't getting any comments that were left. So I apologize for kind of sucking at correspondence right now.
  • I need someone who still has a paid account to help me. I'm certainly not buying one, but I can't post polls, and at some point polls are going to be required. I'm sure there have been people volunteering to help me mod this comm, but see previous bullet point.
  • I cleared out the mod queue by just rejecting everything, largely because I let stuff pile up and then I didn't want to approve stuff and have all the posts show up at once. (I couldn't figure out from the FAQ if that would actually happen. Does anyone know?) Sorry for the mod fail. Here's what was in the queue:
    • LJ layouts ported to GJ, for those of you moving sooner than later and wanting your layouts. Posted by slash_eater.
    • A webmonkey tutorial on protecting content on your websites; a BellaOnline tutorial on forms and passwords. Posted by dracothelizard for people who want to put up websites and password-protect the fic and art hosted on those sites, as a possible solution for people not ready for The Great Migration but who don't trust LJ with their work.
    • treewishes was wondering if LJ even really cares about us and our paid accounts anymore, now that they have advertising dollars.
  • metafandom has the list, as usual. I'd like to bring attention to femmequixotic's open letter to 6A/LJ, which nicely highlights the remaining issues. (There are plenty.)
  • synecdochic has written a post about being heard in the right places. Personally, I'm not inclined to fight LJ on anything. I don't feel the need to yell at them or try to screw them over. I just want to pour all my efforts into getting the hell out of here as quickly as possible.
...which leaves me with these words of wisdom from insomnia, writing in this post:
Truth is, the future belongs to you, and not to Brad or Mena or Ev or any of those other sold out dotcom slackers who are too busy with the keynote and cocktail circuit to get an honest 20 hours of coding done in a day. They're a good six years past their prime, and that's a century or two in 'net years. You don't need these people who seem to have lost their way and their ideals. You don't need their bloated stacks of code, their crumbling edifices, and their failed idealism. You don't need to feel like the barrier to making something meaningful is too big and too insurmountable, and you certainly don't need to think that everything has been done, either.

You only need to do something new or do something better. Your failure, if you have one, is not a lack of ability, but a lack of effort and/or a lack of vision.

Identify a problem. Fix it. Hack the planet.

So let's get hacking, yeah? Yeah. I really will have the features post up soon.
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