Does anyone know why?

Aug 05, 2007 20:03

LJ has suspended the account of thamiris a fandomer with a permanent account, who was just recently deceased. You may still view her account.

*post edit* I was pointed to this article, which mentions the suspension:

apparently, lj uses the suspension tag for certain journals that are memorials, so that the contents cannot be changed. The two people on my flist that brought this to my attention have deleted their posts, and the article has been edited to be less ambiguous, but in the interests of discussion, I'm leaving this post up, unless the mod chooses to delete it.

A question for all of us, regards content that was posted before LJ changed it's TOS. Will LJ honor a grandfather clause, if users have decided to abide by the new TOS, or will we be subject to abuse reports if people troll through our journals years back to find questionable content?
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