FTEC, Sunday 3/29

Mar 29, 2015 10:22

Stark arrived earlier than usual today. It had been a busy few days at the clinic and he wanted to be sure he was there in case he was needed ( Read more... )


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Patients [Sun] banikslaveboy March 29 2015, 14:24:47 UTC
Still here? Tag in. Newly arrived for whatever reason? Tag in.


Re: Patients [Sun] bluhblahbluh March 29 2015, 22:10:38 UTC
Drac still here. Not exactly sure why, but he was.

Okay, actually he was still here because he was moping, which was not helping his healing. But he wasn't going to admit that.


Re: Patients [Sun] banikslaveboy March 29 2015, 22:48:19 UTC
Aww, don't mope, Drac. Stark's here and he has cookies!

"Do you need anything?" Stark asked, poking his head in the door. "I could bring something."


Re: Patients [Sun] bluhblahbluh March 29 2015, 22:53:30 UTC
Were they mealworm? He loved mealworm cookies!

"Thank you," Drac's smile was weak. "I am afraid I don't know anymore."


Re: Patients [Sun] banikslaveboy March 29 2015, 23:07:33 UTC
"I have cookies?" Stark offered. No, not mealworm. How dare you. Stark would never do that a cookie!

"Or tea. Or company? If you'd like. Or I can go."


Re: Patients [Sun] bluhblahbluh March 29 2015, 23:53:59 UTC
"Cookies?" Drac perked up just a little. "Homemade?"


Re: Patients [Sun] banikslaveboy March 30 2015, 00:09:46 UTC
Stark nodded. "Chocolate chip." He'd thought it best to stick to the classics in this situation.

He held out the tin they were in. "Would you like one?"


Re: Patients [Sun] bluhblahbluh March 30 2015, 01:22:52 UTC
Drac took one and looked at it carefully. "Just chocolate? No beetles?" But he was not one to be intentionally rude, so Drac tasted the treat.

"Ah. This is quite good!"

And quite gone; might he have another?


Re: Patients [Sun] banikslaveboy March 30 2015, 02:42:07 UTC
"Beetles?" Stark repeated. "No. No beetles. Not in the cookies." Not in anything else he made either. At least not on purpose. What a terrible thing to do to unsuspecting baked goods!

"Would you like more?"


Re: Patients [Sun] bluhblahbluh March 30 2015, 02:52:56 UTC
"While not my favourite, beetle cookies are very tasty! My wife would make them with fresh..." His face fell, remembering Martha was gone AGAIN.

A mere moment later, though, he was grinning gently and reaching for another cookie. "Thank you I would love another. You bake very well."


Re: Patients [Sun] banikslaveboy March 30 2015, 03:17:38 UTC
"Your wife made you beetle cookies?" On purpose? Stark was stuck on the beetles. Those poor cookies.

"I usually stick with chocolate, when I make cookies. And no snickerdoodles." Because people. "Thank you. I'm glad you like them."


Re: Patients [Sun] bluhblahbluh March 30 2015, 03:56:44 UTC
"She had a family recipe," Drac nodded, the memory causing a small ache that felt similar to those he'd experienced the first few decades after her death. He was mourning again? "We... used to argue which was better, mealworm raisin or chocolate chip beetle."

"Not real arguments, mind you. Just... teasing." He and Martha hadn't really argued very often.


Re: Patients [Sun] banikslaveboy March 30 2015, 20:17:43 UTC
"Which did you prefer?" Not that Stark wanted to try either one, mind, but he was genuinely curious about these appalling cookies. And honestly he'd eaten worse than bug-laced baked goods in his life.


Re: Patients [Sun] bluhblahbluh April 1 2015, 02:37:32 UTC
You say 'laced' like they don't actually belong!

"I have always been a mealworm cookie fan," Drac chuckled. "Martha used to say I was being old fashioned. I would tell her... "

He let a ghost of a smile cross his face. "I used to say back to her, that she didn't like them because she couldn't bake them properly."


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