Clinic [2/10]

Feb 10, 2006 11:07

Susan opened up the clinic, hoping Dr. Lambert or one of the other doctors would show, and got ready for her appointment with Cameron.

[open to all]

susan ivanova, natalie lambert, cj cregg, janet fraiser, cameron mitchell, susan pevensie

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cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 18:26:27 UTC
Cameron was on time for his appointment with five minutes to spare and headed straight to Susan's office. He knocked on the doorframe if it was open.


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 18:29:55 UTC
"Cameron, come in, have a seat." Susan gestured to the couch and comfortable chairs in the room, and shut thd door. "Thank you for being so prompt."


cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 18:38:45 UTC
"My mom raised me well," Cameron joked a bit nervously although he was definitely in a better mood than before as he this time sat down on the couch.


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 18:41:49 UTC
"Well, it's appreciated. Do you have any questions before we get started? I have a couple things I have to mention to you, but I want to make sure there's no confusion here first." Susan held up her notepad. "And for starters: do you mind if I take notes? They're in shorthand, and they never leave this office. But it helps me to have a reference."


cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 19:02:08 UTC
"Uh, nothing that I can think of right away." Cameron said. To be honest he didn't really know what to expect, but he'd go with it. "I have no problems with the notes."


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 19:07:27 UTC
"Good. Then I'm also going to reassure you that anything that is said in this office is confidential. With the exception of child abuse, threats of violence to others or yourself, or solid evidence of past crimes, nothing here will be repeated to anyone else." Susan flipped open her folder to his questionaire.

"You seem in a better mood now than you did a few days ago. Has anything in particular happened since then to help that along?"

[afk for an hour, back then]


cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 19:34:05 UTC
"That's some list," Cameron blinked and wondered if killing vampires counted.

"Uh, I suppose having no one nearly getting killed kinda worked?"


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 20:10:04 UTC
"I would thinks so." Susan tilted her head, and got comfortable. "This is about the 'study group', I take it. Why don't you tell me about that? Whatever you feel up to telling me."


cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 20:16:29 UTC
"Will I get arrested for killing vampires?" Cameron asked warily.


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 20:19:18 UTC
Susan bit her lower lip. "Do you know, I have no idea? I shan't report it, since I can't be certain. But I may talk with the administration-- without mentioning your name-- to find out what their stance is." She studied him. "I think you said that you initially did this because your girlfriend-- Vala? -- was hurt?"


cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 20:29:22 UTC
That did put a damper on his good mood and he leaned forward putting most of his weight on his right elbow.

"She got attacked on Monday, when the town went crazy. She went to Caritas with Janet and the two Izzies and they got attacked in the park. Vala tried to keep Darla from hurting someone else and got stabbed in return," Cameron explained. "Scared the crap out of me, just a few inches and... Yeah." He quickly looked up. "I think that's enough to make anyone want some sort of revenge or justice or whatever you want to call it."


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 20:33:34 UTC
"I would say that's a very human response to that, yes. Not everyone actually forms a -- posse? And actually attempts to carry that out, though." Susan's voice softened. "Why didn't you go to the police, or the administration here, instead of taking direct action?"


cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 20:36:48 UTC
"The administration that once hired Drusilla to work for them?" Cameron asked and shrugged. "I probably should have, but it didn't feel like anyone cared. I wanted to do it myself, I probably would have gone alone if Angel hadn't agreed to help."


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 20:56:11 UTC
"Do you think that's true now, having talked to Professor Tick? Would you do it exactly the same way again?" Susan asked, leaning her head on one hand. "I won't tell you that you can't use your own judgment. I'm merely asking if, after the event, you think he was right about the way you approached the problem."


cameronmitchell February 10 2006, 21:06:22 UTC
"Exactly? No, I'd make sure Darla and Drusilla didn't get away and that not as many people got hurt. I'd still go, I don't regret that. I don't think I could have lived with not going," Cameron shrugged. "That doesn't mean it was the right thing to do."


susanofnarnia February 10 2006, 21:15:29 UTC
Susan nodded soberly. "I see. Do you think your frame of mind has improved since you took action? I know you have concerns about how the 'study group' turned out. But for you, personally-- do you feel better now, even questioning the 'rightness' of your actions?"


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