Jan 16, 2006 22:37

Just to make sure I've got my ducks in a row, her'es the current Clinic Staff line up

Doctors/Equal partners: Dr Gregory House, Dr James Wilson
Guidance Counselor, also doctor: Susan Pevensie

Student assistants:

If there are any additions/deletions, please comment and let me know.

*For assistants to get credit for working the clinic, they must work 3 fandom hours per week. This means a self generated post OR tagging in n established post.

Also, the clinic is now going to utilise tags. Please please please tag your posts when you create them. And add patient names as applicable, if the muns don't add them. This, I think will make life just a little easier on all of us when we need to go back and reference a past thread for a certain case or whatever. I'm going to try to get all of January's posts tagged (I will take care of the backtagging, unless someone is really bored and needs something to do...then have at. I'd like to tag every clinic community post, but right now, January is the main focus.)


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