Clinic Hours - Tour and unofficial visit

Jan 15, 2006 13:23

After receiving Susan's message Wilson had made sure Phale was settled with everything he needed, that Phoebe and Bel were comfortable and then he'd taken Cash and headed up to the school ( Read more... )

james wilson, susan pevensie, cash

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susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 19:15:31 UTC
Susan had slept in the teacher's lounge, and not really enjoyed it. Mostly because she kept dreaming she saw an enormous pink bear outside the room, and that, combined with her flight of fancy earlier in the day, kept her supremely unsettled. But she'd managed to pull herself together and make herself up presentably despite that.

"Dr. Wilson?" she asked, leaning in the door, then smiling shyly as she came in. "I'm Susan Pevensie. I believe I left you a voice mail, I hope you got it, otherwise I'm not sure if you know who I am."


dr_jwilsonmd January 15 2006, 21:52:40 UTC
Wilson was frowning at something on the blood work results for Chi when she happened to come through the door. Cash jumped up with a welcoming yip started to take a couple of steps towards her but then stopped, remembering that Uncle Jimmy was a little strict about such things.

Looking up his frown changed to a friendly if perhaps a slightly reserved smile as he stood up and walked towards her, hand extended.

"Welcome Dr. Pevensie! Yes I got your voicemail and it's wonderful that you'll be joining us."


susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 22:09:46 UTC
"Call me Susan, please." She smiled, and shook his hand, then patted Cash. "What a lovely dog. And it's good to be here. I almost got lost at the duckpond yesterday." She looked around the clinic, happiness and anxiety mixed. "I spoke with Dean Washburn yesterday, and she said there would be a space available?"


dr_jwilsonmd January 15 2006, 22:21:39 UTC
Setting his hands on his hips, Wilson nodded. "Certainly. It was used by the previous person who sort of held your position, come this way and I'll show you. The room is free of all listening devices, particularly the ones relating to the island's pirate radio station, though you do need to remember to close the door." Wilson was slightly disturbed that such conversations were becoming second nature to him.

"This is Cash by the way, he's technically Dr. House's dog but I'm puppy sitting this weekend. And be a little careful of the duck pond, the majority of the ducks are quite friendly, if demanding little fellows who love scones but there are a few who are...ah...unique."

Walking her the short length of the hallway to the exam room Crane had always used Wilson pushed the door open ( ... )


susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 22:28:45 UTC
"Mr. Crane? Then the last counselor wasn't a psychologist, I take it." Susan looked disturbed when he mentioned the listening devices. "Are those everywhere in the school? That seems a bit excessive." She bit her lip, and examined the space, nodding to herself as she worked out where she needed to put things.

"Can you think of how many patients may be asking for counseling soon? Or rather, could you give me some idea of what I can expect? In general, isthe student population well-adjusted, or is this a school with special needs students?"


dr_jwilsonmd January 15 2006, 22:48:26 UTC
"He was a student." Wilson explained before he continued on. "The previous administration was very intent upon being aware of everything that went on on school grounds and I believe the current administration is following the same practice, also there is an island wide radio address every evening that tends to have ears...everywhere so unless you take certain precautions such as closing doors, expect to hear yourself least a couple of times ( ... )


susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 22:55:58 UTC
Susan's eyes keep getting bigger and bigger. Then she finally burst out laughing.

"Vampires? Turning into animals?" She snickered. "Dr. Wilson, you have a strange, strange sense of humor." She took a deep breath. "But I'll keep what you said about the students in mind. And Mr. Crowley, is it? I'll be sure to avoid letting him touch me." She shook her head, amused.

She had to be amused, or she'd have hysterics.


lightningsword January 15 2006, 23:00:48 UTC
Faithful happily padded into the clinic and headed towards Dr. Wilson. "Dr. Wilson? Alanna saw that the clinic was open and was wondering if you needed any help." He shook his head. "She's too lazy to come herself."


susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 23:02:41 UTC
Susan gulped. Oh, no, not again.... She watched Faithful with wide, staring eyes, suddenly remembering far too much. Talking Animals, Centaurs, Fauns, Dryads... none of that was real.

Wasn't it?


dr_jwilsonmd January 15 2006, 23:07:56 UTC
"I'm not joking, doctor. You might want to pull a book of myths out of the library and review it because it's better to be prepared than caught off guard."

He pushed away from the doorjamb, giving his head a shake. His tone becoming much more professional and reserved. He hated shrinks.

"Anyway, I have the keys Crane left behind here for you. They're the only ones to your office, House and I don't have a copy there is a copy for the front doors."

Looking up as Faithful padded into the clinic Wilson smiled warmly and reached down to offer the cat and arm if he wanted up for a quick pat.

"Good afternoon, Faithful. Actually if she'd like to come down for a couple of hours that would be lovely but really I'm just open to give the new Doctor a quick tour."


lightningsword January 15 2006, 23:12:54 UTC
Faithful purred. "Nice to meet you miss, enjoy your stay in Fandom and don't go too crazy. Alanna will stop by in the evening then, and watch over the clinic." He shook his head. "Don't know why she couldn't use a telephone." He made a small cat-bow and padded back out, tail and head held high.


susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 23:14:26 UTC
Susan took a deep, deep breath. And leaned against the wall. "Right then. Right." She swallowed. "Was that a student?"


dr_jwilsonmd January 15 2006, 23:17:51 UTC
"Thank you, Faithful."

Straightening back up from where he'd been talking to Faithful, Wilson turned and shook his head.

"No. As I understand he's the companion, familiar to a student named Alanna. She works here in the clinic. Alanna, Lisa Cuddy, Paige Matthews, Stark oh and DEATH works here as well. might or might not see him but if you notice a large white horse in here, that's Binkie and he's quite friendly."


susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 23:20:39 UTC
"Binkie. Of course, because why not Binkie?" Susan swallowed, deeply shaken, and nodded. "I wasn't-- no one said anything-- Are there really gremlins too?" she blurted, then put a hand to her head. "Oh, lord. And is there a pink teddybear guarding the teacher's lounge?"


dr_jwilsonmd January 15 2006, 23:31:26 UTC
Wilson eyed the woman for a long moment, then waved her towards the chair that sat just behind the front desk.

"Here, sit down for a moment and I'll make you some tea." Moving to pull together some of his mint tea, he talked as he steeped it.

"There really are gremlins...well, at least there were. Friday there was a fairly extensive extermination effort. You might get some visits due to a failed protest buy some of the students, I imagine they'll feel rather depressed. As for the pink teddybear, I don't know as I've never been to the teacher's lounge but the campus as a whole is patroled by a giant white ball named Rover."


susanofnarnia January 15 2006, 23:40:01 UTC
Susan bit her lower lip and massaged her temples. "We are still in America, aren't we? I mean, I asked the girl I met, Kiki, if we were on Fandom Island, Virginia, and she confirmed it. But I didn't think this could happen in our world. I thought--" She took a deep breath. "Was all this here, and no one ever told me?" she asked plaintively.


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