FTEC -- Sunday, January 27 -- Evening.

Jan 27, 2008 17:15

The surprise Adah felt when she came in for her shift and discovered that yesterday's patient had been checked out already was significant, she had to admit, although it was a bit of a relief. She would miss having something to do in her frequent check-ups, but would be glad to be spared the saccharine visits from her near hordes of visitors ( Read more... )

adah price, ftec, john winchester, sam winchester, dean winchester

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Re: Room One -- Winchesters. ecirpnellehada January 28 2008, 04:57:51 UTC
Adah politely ignored the part of her brain trying to distract her with questions of metaphors by signaling to the nurse with a sharp jab of her head to help with her gloves, and then help her remove clothing so she could see just exactly where the ripping at tried to occur and just how much ripping had succeeded. "Offhand," she asked quickly; being closer to the patient and just observing a few simple, surface things that any medical student should notice had given Adah a good idea of a direction. And the surge of adrenaline from getting to do this was pretty driving, too, "do you have his blood type?"

There was looking to be almost as much blood on the patient as there would be inside... Thankfully, the nurse wasn't an idiot (she had the suspicion that Dr. Troy had been putting all the good ones on her shifts), and already was assisting Adah in trying to locate any major arteries that could be accounting for it so they could quickly clean and dress the wound. Three hands were certainly better than one, but she was sort of hoping that it would all be mostly venus rather than arterial.


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 05:15:24 UTC
Sam was trying not to stare at all of the blood, but he couldn't really help it, until Adah's question pulled his attention back. "O positive," he said. "We're all the same type."


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. ecirpnellehada January 28 2008, 05:23:14 UTC
Adah snorted slightly. "Now that's convenient," she muttered. "Safe to assume either of you would be up for a transfusion if it's needed?" She would have drifted her eyes up meaningfully towards who she'd assume was the better option, but, honestly, found it difficult since they were both looking pretty worn for wear.

"Also," she said, her concentration going into ceasing as much bloodflow as possible, "forgive me for having never worked with demons or anything, but..." She grunted at the exertion of carefully shifting an arm, "there isn't a concern for poisons or anything like that, is there?"

Poisons, however, she could handle and knew, but mostly natural ones she'd studied. She didn't see any symptoms, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Especially if all they were going to tell her was 'a demon ripped him up.' So helpful, really...


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 05:35:51 UTC
"Of course we'll do a transfusion," Sam said quickly, certain he'd give anything Adah asked of him to make sure Dean got better. "And no, there's no poison. It's just...it's like he got cut up with a knife." Or a lot of knives, he thought.


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. ecirpnellehada January 28 2008, 05:40:55 UTC
Well, she could certainly see that. And Adah, with the nurse, was doing a pretty quick job of fixing that part, too. She certainly hoped that there weren't going to be any other demon attacks within the next hour or so, because throwing herself into it like this was already starting to make her head swim and she'd definitely need to take a moment or five hundred or else risk herself another shut down like last time.

"Shouldn't probably do a check for rabies or anything, should I?" she drawled, taking a pause for herself and to check quickly, while she was in the area, to see if Dean's heartbeat had changed in any way that would warrant concern.

What? The sarcasm helped her keep level-headed and focused, here.


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 05:53:19 UTC
Any other time, a comment like that would get a laugh out of Sam, but for now, all he could manage was a muted smile. "Not unless he got bitten on the way over. Which he didn't," he added quickly.


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. ecirpnellehada January 28 2008, 06:02:42 UTC
"Good," Adah muttered. "One less thing to worry about."

She blinked her eyes, harder than expected, not realizing until then that a bead of sweat or two had traveled down her forehead, into her eyes, lining them and waiting for the opportune moment to strike. "I think," she finally said with a sigh, "I located most of the ruptures, dressed them. Most of them should be stopped but I'll have to keep an eye on a few of them and keep redressing until they congeal. Clean him up a bit. I...think the unconsciousness is from the blood loss; the nurse is going to get everything set up for a transfusion right now to help him heal quicker, so whichever of you is feeling good and spry..."

Adah hadn't ever fought with an actual demon, after all, but, if they were anything like fighting internal ones, she would have expected a lot more than just a handful of stabs. As far as her first big wound tending went, she was feeling a little disappointed here...

She bit her lip, for lack of being able to waste excessive gestures on her hands to let some of the build-up out. It seemed a little disappointing, really, if that was all there was. Her nose wrinkled. "And the stabbing, ripping...is that mostly what happened, or should I also be checking for any fractures and breaks? Was he thrown around a bit or anything?"


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 06:24:00 UTC
Sam snuck a quick glance at his dad and immediately stepped forward. He was the one of them who hadn't gotten possessed, after all. "You guys can take my blood. I'll be okay."

He thought about everything that had happened over the course of the evening, about any other injuries Dean might have gotten, and was thankful to come up with a very minor list. "He might have hit his head," Sam said. "We got slammed into a wall, and then when he fell...I'm not sure, but it's possible."


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. ecirpnellehada January 28 2008, 06:30:21 UTC
Adah gave a small nod; convinced that she wouldn't have to do much more at the moment, she attempted the slow event that would be straightening from her position of attendance, fighting her body's refusal quite well, she thought. "Might be a concussion," she said. "Can't do much about it with him unconscious like this, but I'll keep an eye on that, too. Let's get you ready for the transfusion, then."


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 06:39:17 UTC
Sam nodded, ready to go with her or the nurse or whatever was needed. "Thank you. Thank you so much," he said.


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. ecirpnellehada January 28 2008, 06:46:39 UTC
After giving a nod to the chair that the nurse had pulled up for Sam, indicating he sit down and let her start prepping his arm while she got the things to prep Dean's, she shrug, and gave a sigh. "It's only what I'm here for," she said. If he really wanted to thank her, next time he'd give her a broken arm or something to work with, too.

"Although," she added, as she leaned carefully in to make sure she got the vein, "a word of advice this time, and go back to the dorms tonights? He'll be fine, you'll be tired, and we don't need to be tripping over your feet and those long legs of yours when we check on him."


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 06:58:56 UTC
Sam's first, strongest thought was to protest, to explain that he couldn't leave Dean alone, but doing so while he was getting blood drawn seemed like a poor idea, and he sighed deeply where he was sitting. He was exhausted, far more so than he wanted to admit.

"I'll be here first thing in the morning," he said. "I can't leave him alone altogether."


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. ecirpnellehada January 28 2008, 07:04:16 UTC
It was a bit harder to hide an eyeroll when you were monitoring a blood transfusion. That didn't prevent her from doing it. She did, however, keep her thoughts, of how, yes, clearly, he was right, because it wasn't like there wouldn't be people around him, checking on him, who knew what they were doing. Not at all. How gracious of him to be there, to help them overcome their pure inefficiency and uselessness by sitting there and taking up space. So helpful. Where would they--

She cut herself off. "If you feel you must," she said indifferently. Wasn't like she'll have to deal with it then, after all.

[[ oh, man, must crash like a motocycle now, i'm sorry! ]]


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 07:11:38 UTC
"I do," Sam said. "I promise though, I'll try to stay out of the way."

[not a problem at all! thank yoooooou!]


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. demons_death January 28 2008, 08:20:17 UTC
John had stepped aside to call the house and let Zoe and the others know what had happened and that the demon was gone. He stepped back and said, "I'll stay with him. I doubt I'd be getting much sleep tonight anyway."


Re: Room One -- Winchesters. psychic_wonder January 28 2008, 08:21:51 UTC
"Will you call me if he wakes up?" Sam asked. "No matter what time it is. I don't think I'm going to be sleeping much either."


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