Clinic Hours - Thursday November 10th

Nov 10, 2005 10:26

Wilson was running a little late opening the Clinic today. The previous night had not been a good one, as if the nightmares that had stayed at bay for the past couple of evenings had rallied for one long punishing attack.

He'd been close to begging House for a Vicodin, he hadn't, though it had been a near thing.

In the cool light of the autumn morning, Wilson had walked down to get his coffee, returning to the Clinic to start a pot of his own and open the place up. Lights were now on and the rich scent of a Sumatra blend was filling the air.

Walking over to the front desk, the oncologist looked down at the message slip that he'd done his best to ignore the prior day. He was going to have to return the call, there was nothing else for it.

Sitting down, he reached for the phone with one hand, while grabbing a chart with the other.

Doctor on Duty, come bleed at him or weedle coffee, whichever tickles your fancy.

Edit: As of about 5:00 FH time, DEATH would have control of the Clinic. So if you come in after then, you get Death! :D *Hugs and loves on Death*.

beka valentine, james wilson, death

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