FTEC, Friday, February 9

Feb 09, 2007 08:06

The clinic was quiet. Christian wasn't sleeping, he was just deep in concentration.

[Same as all week, frakking flowers own my soul, may be periods of slow play.]

ftec, dr mcninja, christian troy

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clipboard_fu February 9 2007, 16:12:24 UTC
Seeing how he hadn't been able to out-maneuver the pr0n last time, Dr. McNinja thought he try again. He strode into the Doctor's office wearing his usual doctor-mcninja-y garb, stethoscope around neck and sword strapped to back. Also, pair of cymbals in his hand, because he wasn't going to be ignored this time.

First, though, he'd try subtle. "MORNING!"


sexydoctor February 9 2007, 16:16:16 UTC
Christian jumped a little, then eyed the new arrival. "What the hell?"


clipboard_fu February 9 2007, 18:12:41 UTC
"Oh good." Doctor McNinja tossed aside the cymbals. He walked over and sat down in a chair. "I'm here to apply for a position."


sexydoctor February 9 2007, 18:17:32 UTC
Christian gave the sword a wary glance. "We've got magical security," he said. "And I don't think anyone needs a bodyguard."


clipboard_fu February 9 2007, 19:51:41 UTC
"Why can't anybody look past the ninja thing?" Doctor McNinja said. He passed over his business card.

Yes, I'm Really a Doctor
General Practitioner


sexydoctor February 9 2007, 20:13:06 UTC
"General practitioner, no speciality?" Christian asked. "Aside from ninja."


clipboard_fu February 9 2007, 20:56:35 UTC
"I never met a field of medicine that I didn't like."


sexydoctor February 9 2007, 21:08:35 UTC
"So you're looking for a job to hold in between assassination attempts?" Christian said, still a little dubious about the whole ninja-doctor combination.


clipboard_fu February 9 2007, 21:32:30 UTC
Dr. McNinja facepalmed. "I'm not an assassin. I don't kill people for hire. The whole ninja thing is something I was born into. I've chosen to be a doctor."


sexydoctor February 9 2007, 21:48:53 UTC
"How long have you been practicing?" Christian asked. "The doctor part, I mean."


clipboard_fu February 9 2007, 23:34:49 UTC
"Eight years." He considered the figure. "Yeah, sounds about right."


sexydoctor February 9 2007, 23:54:34 UTC
Christian nodded and fired off a couple handwavey basic medical questions, curious to see how the ninja would handle those kind of situations.


clipboard_fu February 10 2007, 06:13:44 UTC
Dr. McNinja handwavily handled each question like he would a pathetic minion to the boss overlord, quickly and with a smidge of quip. If he mentioned Paul Bunyan's disease once, it was only because he'd been there, man.


sexydoctor February 10 2007, 13:53:30 UTC
Christian nodded. "All right, I'll have to check out your background, but assuming everything checks out, we have an opening for the Tuesday evening shift right now."


clipboard_fu February 10 2007, 20:31:30 UTC
"Thank you, Doctor."

Dr. McNinja was smiling broadly. Not that you could tell under that mask.


sexydoctor February 10 2007, 23:57:05 UTC
"I've got the Tuesday morning shift," Christian said, "So I can stay late and help you get a feel for the place."


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