FTEC - Wednesday Day Shift [1/17]

Jan 17, 2007 10:58

It was cold Wednesday morning, which was part of the excuse Wilson used to tuck his arm through Aziraphale's and walk very closely as they made their way down from the house to the clinic. He was sharing warmth with the angel you see...the angel who still didn't have a heavy winter coat ( Read more... )

cindy "mac" mackenzie, james wilson, veruca cally, rosette christopher, cameron mitchell, aziraphale, ftec, annette hargrove

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Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 20:06:51 UTC
Wilson politely held the door for Rosette.

"Slip on up onto the exam table and we'll take a look."


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 20:22:13 UTC
Rosette did just that, immediately slipping off her veil so she could remove her cowl and present the icky red rash on her neck to Wilson. With a pout on her face. "It kind of itches," she said; she didn't know if that would be helpful.


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 20:26:56 UTC
Pulling on a pair of rubber gloves, Wilson walked over to the exam table and waited for her to show him the sight of the infection.

Err...not really where one would expect to find herpes.

"Do you have any idea who you might have gotten herpes from? Or when?" He asked as he gently tilted her head so he could get a closer look at the discoloration on her neck.


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 20:34:49 UTC
"It would have been Sunday," Rosette answered the easy part first, and then drew in a reluctant breath before continuing, "and it would have been either Yuki or Deadpool, probably the latter. An' I think it's herpes zoster. Saint Anthony's Fire. 'Cause it's his day today, and the book I looked at said you can get it all sorts of places."


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 20:45:01 UTC
Now Wilson looked even more confused and he turned to get a slide and a scraping of the area.

"Well, regardless of the day, Sister, I have to be disinclined to agree with Herpes zoster as a diagnosis. See Herpes zoster, or shingles, is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After an episode of chickenpox, the virus becomes dormant in the body. Herpes zoster occurs as a result of the virus re-emerging after many years."

Turning back, he very gently helped himself to a sample of rash.

"Did you ever have chickenpoxs?"


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 20:49:55 UTC
Hey, she was a nun, not a doctor; how accurate a self-diagnosis did he expect?

But she was relieved to hear a more expert opinion. "I grew up in an orphanage," Rosette said with a slight smile. "Of course I've had chickenpoxs."


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 20:54:06 UTC
"Okay, how about other symptoms? Any flu like symptoms? Fever and chills, headache, fatigue, joint pain, abdominal pain?"

As he asked, he pulled a penlight out of his lab coat and checked the reflexes of her eyes to see if there was any ophthalmoplegia.


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 20:58:01 UTC
Rosette shook her head, feeling increasingly confident that, hooray, God or unclean mercenaries weren't cursing her after all. "I was really groggy yesterday, but, other than that, just the marks and itchiness."

[[ disappearing for food for a bit ]]


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 21:10:37 UTC
The grogginess was a little strange, though the mark and the itchiness sounded like a rash.

Still, with unexplained grogginess in the mix, Wilson decided it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Okay. Sudden onset of symptoms, no flu like symptoms, itchiness...makes me also want to consider an allergic reaction to something. Have you eat anything new? Anything new to drink?" Hmm, given the location of the sore... "Changed your laundry detergent, added a laundry softner? Changed soaps of any sort?"


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 21:54:51 UTC
Which brought her right back to Sunday. "Well, there was a cake..."


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 21:57:19 UTC
"Do you happen to know what ingredients were in the cake? Do you know if you're allergic to anything like, nuts or grains?"


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 22:02:16 UTC
"I've never known myself to be allergic to anything," Rosette said after a moment of thought, "but I also don't know what was in the cake, so who knows?"


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 22:08:37 UTC
"You might want to talk to the people who made it and ask." Wilson suggested gently, then he tapped the sample in his hand.

"Since we can't rule out the herpes zoster, I'm going to go ahead and run cultures on this sample. It will take about 48 hours. In the meantime, if you can contact the makers of the cake and ask them about the ingredients and make a list of any other new substances you might have come in to contact with, if this is an allergic reaction that will help us narrow down where we need to look if the herpes tests come back negative. In the meantime, you need to have minimal contact with others, in case this is herpes zoster because it can be contagious through direct contact to an individual who has not had chickenpox, and therefore has no immunity against it."


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 22:26:27 UTC
Rosette nodded. "Figure out potential allergies, minimal contact. Got it."


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette dr_jwilsonmd January 17 2007, 22:33:03 UTC
Wilson nodded and held out a clipboard towards her.

"If you could give me a good number to call you? I'll let you know the results of the tests."


Re: Exam Room 2 - Rosette nun_better January 17 2007, 22:53:19 UTC
Rosette scribbled down the number for that crazy voice mail thing on that cell phone contraption she had. "There you go," she said, handing the clipboard back.


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