FTEC, Saturday Night, April 1

Apr 01, 2006 20:41

April 1. Man, if Tommy didn't miss having probies before, he sure as hell missed them now.

He wondered how many patients would show up that he could screw with.

For instance, with the right amount of eye contact and sincerity you could make anybody believe a positive pregnancy test.

Even the guys.


[ooc: Tommy shall be busy with plotty ( Read more... )

veronica mars, lilly kane, ftec, tommy gavin, angel

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Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 01:53:00 UTC
The suck thing about living upstairs from the Clinic is that if any asshole walked in late, you were the only one around.

Not that this might be related to anything, of course.


Re: Very late in ze night marsheadtilt April 2 2006, 02:37:46 UTC
A very concerned Veronica pounded on the clinic door, followed by Angel carrying Lilly.


Re: Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 02:39:01 UTC
"Christ on a fucking Triscuit I'm coming already," Tommy said, going downstairs. "Keep your shirt on."

He opened the door and saw Veronica. "Or not."


Re: Very late in ze night marsheadtilt April 2 2006, 02:40:24 UTC
"What the fuck is it with the doctors here?" Veronica sighed, wishing she had thought to grab her taser.

"My friend is in need of medical treatment," she said, gesturing to Lilly's bloody, unconscious form in Angel's arms.


Re: Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 02:41:43 UTC
"What the Hell happened?" Tommy asked.


Re: Very late in ze night notstakedyet April 2 2006, 02:42:29 UTC
"Gunshots," Angel said, pushing past Tommy. He went to put Lilly on one of the empty clinic beds. "She's not waking up."


Re: Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 02:44:59 UTC
Tommy snapped on some gloves and started to check Lilly. "Okay, girls on the rag and bitchy metrosexuals take one step back. Some of us need to work here."


Re: Very late in ze night notstakedyet April 2 2006, 02:45:25 UTC
Angel glared. "I'm not bitchy."


Re: Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 02:47:20 UTC
"Fine," Tommy said. "Anybody who can tell me, off the top of his or her head, at least five different products in a haircare line get the hell out of my way. Hokay?"


Re: Very late in ze night notstakedyet April 2 2006, 02:47:49 UTC
Angel settled for glaring some more.


Re: Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 02:49:32 UTC
"Whatever," Tommy sighed. He resumed his exam of Lilly.

He sobered up - no pun intended, when he checked her vital signs.

"Guys," Tommy said, all signs of kidding gone. "She's dead."


Re: Very late in ze night notstakedyet April 2 2006, 02:50:02 UTC
Angel nodded. "Right."


Re: Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 02:52:24 UTC
Okay, clearly Captain Forehead was a little on the special side. This came as no surprise to Tommy whatsoever.

"I wish I could help," Tommy said, "but I'm not a miracle worker."

It's possible Tommy randomly glared at what to Angel and Veronica would seem like nothing at all. Or maybe he was just tired and a little twitchy.

"Seriously. I'm real sorry but there's nothing I can do."


Re: Very late in ze night marsheadtilt April 2 2006, 03:00:56 UTC
"What do you mean you can't do anything?" Veronica demanded. "She shouldn't be unconscious still."


Re: Very late in ze night ladder62 April 2 2006, 03:01:57 UTC
"Sweetheart," Tommy said, now speaking as gently as if he was adressing one of his own daughters. "Your friend is dead."


Re: Very late in ze night marsheadtilt April 2 2006, 03:05:31 UTC
"First of all, you might want to ask your buddy Dr. Troy what happens to guys who call me Sweetheart," Veronica said.

"Secondly, I am well aware of the fact that she is dead, but what I need to know is why is she unconscious?" Her voice may have taken on a slightly hysterical edge.


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