Picspam: Six of One

Jun 12, 2008 22:47

Warning: Image heavy. Spoilers for 4x02 'Six of One'

So we start off with Marines thundering down the corridor led by Tigh. One can only assume Sam woke up after Kara clocked him and thought 'OH NOES I HAS TO SAVE PRESIDENT ROSLN FROM MY CRAZY ASS WIFE. ROSLIN IS FAR TOO AWESOME TO DIE - PLUS THE OLD MAN WILL KILL ME.' Sadly we didn't get to see Anders, hot, dazed and inexplicably shirtless calling down to Dee. But we did get this:

"And whatever you do, don't shoot the Gods damned President!"

First off, Tigh wins. At life, and generally anything he does. Secondly, I sort of love that Tigh is one of the few Cylons running around still saying Gods this and Gods that. Sure I'm thinking he probably says it more for the curse value than actual belief - but whatevs. Thirdly, well... there is no thirdly, unless I'm allowed to repeat that Tigh wins.

This is Bill. Bill just found out 'Starbuck has the President'. Aside from the obvious DIRTY!, that's all the deets Bill gets. No mentions of weapons or anything other than 'hey all, Starbuck and the Prez are in the same room - and there are no marines.' And Bill tosses control of Galactica to Gaeta, and in a fit of absolute shippyness....


*lights candle and leads a silent prayer for hair of awesome*

So here's Starbuck and her awesomely thought out plan. 'I will convince them all AT GUNPOINT. Everyone knows when someone holds a gun to their head THEY TOTALLY LISTEN NTENTLY TO YOUR MESSAGE.'

This is just a (badly) lightened up image of MM's awesome acting in this scene. KS was stellar too, it was like nothing but awesome, start to finish.

So back to Starbuck's plan. You know, she even had a good point she was making here - about how she frakked off back to Caprica, a planet that was a NUCLEAR WASTELAND - for an arrow Roslin dreamt about, then went to another frakked up planet with her - against orders - all for some awesomely hazy drug induced dreams. GOOD POINT STARBUCK. Of course, Roslin didn't shove a GUN in your face when asking you to go do that...

Which doesn't take away from the fact that KS delivered this speech beautifully - and there's a few moments where she almost has Roslin edging to her way of thinking.

And another nod to MM because you can SEE Roslin's doubt. She is just - like mind-blowingly phenomenal.

But then Starbuck gives Roslin the gun. Stupid Starbuck. It may have worked for Athena on Kobol with Bill, but Bill - while awesome - is a softie, and Madame Prez here would shove your ass out of an airlock in the blink of an eye.

So naturally, she shoots at you. WITH HER EYES CLOSED. Which I totally tried to cap - but MM looks like she's having a stroke in all of them, and HAI Mary is not allowed to be anything but EPICALLY BEAUTIFUL in all my caps.

Gidget: OW, Godsdammit that hurt.

HAHAHA. I love that Laura totally has this 'if I knew how to reload I wouldn't miss again BITCH' face on.

Tigh comes in finally and removes the gun from Roslin because, well, NO Cylon is safe when Laura has a gun. Or an airlock.

THIS CAP WAS A BITCH TO GET. Because the camera work in this part of the scene was very jerky and I get it was trying to convey a sense of chaos, but come on - you all cannot give us a shot of Bill rushing in to check on his wife woman and then proceed to make it blurry as hell. I kind of love the cap I got though. Pretty. *pets it*

"Stop looking at me like that!" um, somebody get Kara a hand mirror or something cause if you saw yourself, Kara - you'd be all 'she is frakking CRA-ZAY!' too.

Much like Bill is looking at you RIGHT NOW.

I love when they use similar facial expressions. FTW!

Oh you were right Starbuck, this was the PERFECT plan. You should have listened to your amazingly hot Cylon husband.


I think Leoban is possibly the most fascinating of all the Cylon models. Look at how normal and calm and sane he looks while with Cylons. Yet when he's around humans (most noticeably Kara) he is frantic, almost maniacal and zealous. Yet on base ships, he's almost a leader - I think it's an interesting fact - because we'll notice later in the season, even while in the company of Kara, once back on the base ship he is all serious business. Hmmmm....

Oh Natalie, you are so pretty and awesome. But I guess I should get back to the point, which is the awesomely written scene in which you and Cavil are arguing over the Raiders not doing their job and blowing Colonials to itty bitty pieces. This scene was brilliantly written - just amazing. WIth Cavil spouting his 'they're tools, not pets.' and 'They were made to do a job - they're not doing it, I'm fixing them.' Which is probably all things humans said when the first toasters rebelled.

And clearly Cavil cannot read body language, because he thinks he's winning the argument, when really Natalie is totally spelling out for him that she rules, and he fails and he needs to learn the new fucking math. YOUR MATH SKILLS BLOW CAVIL.

Yeah, I'm not gonna cover the Final Four's absolutely not secret at all meetings - noticeably in the same damn place the Tribunal met in the beginning of season 3 - way to be orginal there guys - but what would my picspam BE without at least one awesome WHAT THE FRAK face from Tigh?

Starbuck needs to learn the new math too, dude. Let's see - held the Prez at gunpoint. Check. Got myself thrown in the brig. Check. Really want people to listen to me. Check. What to do, what to do? OH I KNOW! LET'S GIVE ADAMA SOME ATTITUDE. THAT'S NOT DANGEROUS AT ALL.

(Also - when describing Earth, she says that she felt like she'd been there before, like she never left - and the final Five are from Earth, which we now know. I am seriously becoming convinced that Starbuck IS the final Cylon - and Ron made her look this obvious in the beginning to throw us off and say 'Oh no she is way too obvious' and then BAM tweleve (or whatever) eps later find out oh shit - it WAS obvious therefor we didn't expect it at all.)

Except Bill, you know goes from this:

to this:

While you're still blinking and trying to remember what the fuck just happened.

Oh oh Starbuck. Bill Adama has been known to choke him some bitches in his day. You and leoban can totally bond over it later.

'Adama tried to choke me.'
'Oh my God, did you know he killed me the same way once? Good times.'
'Did you find it kind of hot?'
'Yeah, I did.'
'You think it's weird for you, I'm a DUDE.'
'Let's just make out and not think about this anymore.'
'Okay..... or we could make out WHILE thinking about it'
*they make out*

'We're going the wrong waaaayyyyy!!1111!1'

Just throwing this in here to say GODS I DO NOT MISS HER SCREAMING THIS.

And back to the pretty Cylons. This is Natalie's 'WTF Boomer you FUCKING FAIL!' face. Boomer failed on Galactica and clearly took up ballet and doing old men, and proceeded to fail as a Cylon as well.

And then, in the most awesomely understated thing ever in life, Natalie TURNS TO LEOBAN and asks him to DO something, to which Leoban replies that there is no rule against a model voting against it's sisters. Now - WHY would Natalie ask LEOBAN to DO something? What would enable him to DO something about it? It's interesting and we're getting our first look into how the Cylon world works. They vote - with an even amount of models which is hilarious - yet still when something is brought into question - they look to Leoban. Interesting.

A lesson in losing gracefully, because you totally already have a back up plan in place to deal with the bastard that just thinks he won: Tell your opponent you will pray for them. HARD. And then exit the room a better person who is about to go and get all her opponents KILLED.

I would like to thank Lee for leaving Galactica, purely for this one second shot of Racetrack losing in strip whatever the hell the name of the card game they play is.

Fear not, I'm not covering Gaius or his and Tory's sexings of absolute awful (you need to work on your back fitness btw JC - um, maybe JB could take you to the gym sometime...) but I naturally HAD to include Baltar and head!Baltar because HAI AWESOME.

James' delivery of ths line 'Well, she's a sexy lady' was so awesomely cheesetastic - and having head!Baltar going 'Yeah. Yeah.' was even more awesome. THANK YOU JAMES.

This cap serves no purpose except James' facial expression amuses the fuck out of me. Baltar not happy. BALTAR GRUMPY!

Having eye!sex chemistry with yourself when you're looking at thin air is difficult, but clearly James manages it.

Now moving onto the benchmark scene of the ep - Roslin and Adama's fight. I'm just gonna warn you, I capped like... A TON of this. So you know.

So every wife is familiar with this scene. You're sitting home, doing bills or reading a book, or trying to rule the universe - and in stumbles your husband, drunk off his ass. Your first reaction is a mixture of irritation, and amusement. Because if you're not amused - you'd kill him. Now watch.

Technically, Roslin throws the first punch with her line about giving Kara a trial and finding Romo Lampkin and taking a show of hands. I don't think she realized how it came off - because she's sort of laughing as she says it, like haha that worked so well last time, whereas Bill clearly hears it as 'BECAUSE YOU FUCKED IT UP.'

Which is why his leaving confuses her, and she orders him to sit. In the most exasperated tone like 'I am not chasing your drunk ass all around this cabin, now sit the fuck down I have a headache and you are an ass.'

Bill may be drunk, but he's not stupid - and not really sure where that gun went to - so he sits down.

But then he decides to start talking about how Kara died and came back and maybe she was sent to them for a reason. To whch Roslin does not reply 'BITCH, PLEASE! THAT WAS SO TWO YEARS AGO AND I DID IT FRIST!' Instead, she manages to hold onto the amusement over his drunk antics.

Instead, she tries to be patient and think to herself 'This is funny, this is funny, it will make a great story later, do not grab the gun and shoot him.' - a mantra all wives know and repeat daily - and she asks him if he, Admiral Atheist, is beliving in miracles now?

Being drunk, though - Bill misses the glaring warning lights and sirens - and completely passes by the exit she is offering him here. Silly Bill.

So she lays it out for him - she's not sorry she shot Kara, and she'd do it again. Kara was willing to throw her life away - meaning she had plenty more where that one came from, the frakking Cylon.

Bill says that Laura had doubts too, it's why she missed when she fired. I say 'No you dumbass, she missed because she was high, had her eyes closed and had never shot a gun in her life presumably.'

Laura clearly thought the same thing.

Clearly Bill missed that facial expression though, cause he looks like a little kid here. SO THERE.

So Laura switches tactics, bringing up how Bill can't lose anyone else - Lee, her, now Kara-

Bill awesomely tells her no one is going anywhere, like him saying it will just make it so - and then takes a drink. EJO is kind of awesome in this scene because you can tell he made a concious choice to have Adama drink everytime his emotions got a little too close to the surface, which naturally led to Bill drinking his face off the whole scene. But if you look closely here in this cap - EJO played it beautifully - you can SEE that Bill is close to tears just by how his eyebrows are drawn together as he drinks. Amazing.

And the awesome cotinues with MM having Laura react with teary-eyed disbelief to Bill's refusal to face her cancer, or any of the facts laid before him. So she delivers a reality check, in Laura's own way - by telling him he's burying it all inside, and he can't stand to be alone-

To which Bill tells her to stay in the room, but get out of his head. And Gidget curses the stupid placement of that glass decanter on Laura's desk.

What with all this confrontation, Bill naturally needs some more alcohol. He's running out here people!

Aww, sad Bill. Because you can tell he's totally thinking about what she said - and probably a bit of him knows she's right - but he doesn't have to like it.

So naturally, he hits back and tells her she's afraid to die alone.

But watch MM's reaction expressions to what he's saying. You can tell she knew - probably when he got up - that he was going to do this. She knew - and totally braced herself for it. look:

"That your death will be as meaningless as everyone else's."

This is her listening to him saying that - and again, she is smiling - in some attempt to make it hurt less - anything if he'll just get his head of out the sand and wake up to what's going on. Which he does. But not the way she would have liked, lol.

I love how she clutches at her hair, like she can hold it there and stop it from falling out after she pulls that first piece out. This scene was just amazing - and totally made me cry again re-watching it.


*dries tears*

Okay, moving on to Lee's scene of leaving like he's running off to go start his own frakking colony when really he's just moving over to wherever the hell he lives now - we don't even know because Ron somehow instinctually knew we didn't really give a frak. He has a touching scene with Dee in which we're all told they are no longer together, a badly cut scene of him and Roslin where she shakes his hand and probably thinks of all the ways she could airlock him, and a Bill/Lee hug because Bill has to love Lee - they're related. And then Laura and Tory hold hands and leave. So I capped that - because hai - they are holding hands.

But back to the Cylons. So Natalie has gone off, graciously accepting her defeat by giving the Centurions higher thought and resoning abilities. Hmm. I wonder what they're gonna do?

This is why Natalie wins. Because even when your ass is about to be excuted, she can take some time to put on her 'if you'd listened to me, you wouldn't be seconds away from death' face.

Random shot of them still fixing my favorte ship. Like how does all that scaffolding make jumps? but I digress...

Back to the 'friendly' Cylon board meeting.

So I love how the Centurians are totally looking to Natalie like 'CAN I'S SHOOT THEM NOAW MOMMY?'

'No, Centurion. We have to gve our big explanation speech about how Mommy totally removed your inhibitors- *flourishes*

-and gave you the ability to think for yourselves. And then Mommy told you ALL about how those mean Ones, Fours and Fives drilled big holes in your brother's brains because they got too smart for their jobs. Okay - we're done now. NOW you can shot them.'


I totally picked this shot because Doral is my least favorite Cylon ever. I hate him even more than Simon who seems to serve no purpose whatsoever. So what better frame than not one Doral, but TWO getting blown to bits. Heh.

Meanwhile, Bill figures Laura's already pissed, so he may as well give Kara a ship and prove herself - because it's not like Laura's gonna get any MORE pissed than she already is, right?





*fangurls sigh and shake their heads*

Oh Bill. You so stupid.

gidget picspam

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