Title: Figuratives Mark Figures A and B Rating: M Spoilers: Through 'Revelations' A/N: For stiletto_freek who wanted pole dancing, and I THINK I found a (slightly cracked-out) way to make it work.
You are my new god and I shall worship you from here on out. This is genius. Sheer, pure genius. To say it was hilarious is not strong enough. Every frakkin sentence of it is like gold. I would have to quote every line to fully express how great it is. You had me rolling with laughter the whole time. And I find it highly amusing that poor little Caprica is the only one not high and stoned. Damn, the things sober Caprica must be seeing! High/drunk Laura and Bill are great! Baltar and the Centurion! The Eights eyeing Tigh! Tyrol and the drinks! Cottle! Cottle walking in on A/R! You. Are. Genius. The only building standing on Earth and it is a strip club! I shall give some of the credit to Letto for coming up with this genius idea and you for frakking writing it!
Oh my goodness! Thank you! And poor little Caprica, indeed. If it hadn't been for the toaster baby, I'm sure she and Tigh would've absolutely been tearing up the place... but think of all the good bribery material she probably has now! And yes, stiletto_freek DEFINITELY gets some of the credit for this. I NEVER would've ventured into the cracked world of BSG and strip clubs if it hadn't been for that prompt.
I guess this will prove to them all how much Caprica wants to be a part of 'their world' if she's going to hold all of their dirty little, orgy-induced secrets. LOL. You had me rolling the whole time!
come, join the dark side. we got booze.
And blacklights! And NC weed! Cheers!
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