Hiatus Survival: Week Six

Jul 25, 2008 03:23


Or WEEK THE LAST of babylon_whore and I are without supervision. That’s right. gidget_zb returns to the flail next week. Are you all as relieved as we are???

Kobol’s Last Gleaming, Parts I and II
(caps from here this week, because I’m tired and lazy)

Bill boxes (Laura mentioned something about wrestling later and he wants to be prepared). Laura sees cities where there are only ruins. And while she and Bill play show and tell, she pulls out the frakking scariest words to every man ever: “We need to talk.” No wonder Bill’s a little on edge.

Bill didn’t know Laura was that religious. There’s nothing wrong with it-it’s just new (Bill likes the missionary position and has a hard time adjusting). Laura out-logics him with her slow, enunciated ‘you damn well BETTER listen to teacher’ voice. Bill gets all crabby and pulls out the “military asset” card. He apologizes, but he’s gotta know he’s in hot water already.

Okay, so this is Billy and not Bill, but the conversation still wins at life:
“Is there something I should be worried about, Madam President?”
“Why do you ask that?”
“That look on your face.” (I heart you, Billy)
That look on her face means she’s Laura Frakkin’ Roslin, President of the Twelve Frakkin’ Colonies, who, at the moment, doesn’t give a Cylon’s ass about Bill’s “military assets” and is going to find Earth or (thank Gods not) die trying. (And yes, the cap’s totally for the Billy!butt)

Apparently Bill’s a little more open to trying new things in Part II. He asks Tigh on for a three-way phone(sex) call. Bill thinks he can take Laura’s Presidential power just by asking for it. Isn’t that cute? She wants him to come over there and arrest her, but Bill hangs up when he hears that their phone(sex) call is being recorded. He’s not willing to take their voyeurism that far.

Laura won’t yield. She’s not easy (Bill should know this). Lee regains some Adama!awesome for about thirty seconds and tries to protect Space!Mommy. Laura’s all, I’ll take MYSELF to jail, thank you very much.

Bill doesn’t frak around when it comes to role-playing. But before they can decide on a safe word, he goes and gets himself shot. *sigh* Men.


FLAIL FLAIL FLAIL!!! Because there were some prime brig!sex fantasies about to be lived there. And since Bill’s kinda out of commission and he and Laura are all pretending to be mad at each other, next week we’re jumping straight ahead to fantasy #2: tent!sex (because you KNOW they love/lived this one). Home, Part I and II, coming up!

And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for… fandom weecap time!


The Other Side of Dawn, Chapter 2 by ellymelly

Of Love and Heroes by katamaran78

Let’s Talk About Spaceships by alias424

What Kara Saw by unavitasegreta

Who’s Killer, Who’s Captive, Who’s Free by babylon_whore

Like a Drowned Sailor on the Shore of the World by claraon

The Rising Red, Chapter 11 by splodge04

Of Souls and Stars by katamaran78

You Let the Devils Draw Near by babylon_whore

It Will Be Life Soon by misscam

It’s the Quiet Night that Breaks Me by childminerva

We’re Cracking with the Break of Day by babylon_whore

Innocent Faces by averita



icons by liona5

icons by forensicirulan


News and whatever

franglaisy and narciscia continue their search for 50 A/R moments. Head on over and claim one!

Caprica trailer!

Season 4.5 to begin in January!

Webisodes to begin again soon! Ten two- to three-minute webisodes between 4.0 and 4.5. Keep your fingers crossed for some A/R….

Interview with RDM


And, of course, on to the awesomeness of babylon_whore:

Ok kids, it’s our last week of unsupervised flailing, cos next week....gidget_zb IS BACK!!!! to porn kick all our asses. We can't wait!!!

But until then, its still alias424 and I driving. And we're driving y'all into this weeks comment fic challenge:
So we've had Bill in detention (heee, had Bill, oh shut up, you're giggling too!), we've had Laura in a flight suit (we'll wait while you go to your happy place)...this week lets get those crazy kids together!

The challenge is to have SOMEONE ELSE flirt with one of our hothothot pair BUT the other has to walk in on it. Clearly this will lead to outrageous jealousy! And airlockings! And punch ups/bitch slaps! And... do we even NEED to say seckings with you lot? No. We thought not.

So get your third wheels out for a spin: Zarek, Tory, Gaeta, Caprica....we don't care who! We don't care which of the pair they hit on! We just care that you do it in the comments.

hiatus survival

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