Or Week Two of Are You As Shocked As We Are That the Comm Hasn’t Burnt to the Ground Yet?? Yes,
babylon_whore and I are still more or less on our own and unsupervised. And yes, it takes the both of us to come up with the awesome for this post, because the two of us = one of
gidget_zb. It’s the comm math.
This week’s mini-pic!spam ep: COLONIAL DAY!
Telephone! Laura uses the phrases, “My hands are tied” and “We need to let this play out.” I’m pretty sure this counts as phone sex. She also does not find Bill acting like her personal goon squad very sexy and hangs up to prove it. Frankly, Bill’s welcome the play MY personal goon squad whenever the frak he wants.
The boys on Laura’s end of the phone line sharing the Aww, frak. Mommy and Daddy are fighting AGAIN look. They know they’re so gonna have to wear their earplugs tonight if they want to avoid being traumatized while the space parents make up.
Bathroom break! That whole “looking for Baltar” thing? Just a cover. Bill's in the next stall over.
Look at cute and smiley Laura! Also, somewhere in the audience, a metaphorical light-bulb is flashing over a future harem member’s head-tomorrow Cloud Nine’s decorating committee will be at a complete loss when it comes to trying to figure out where the hell all their twinkly lights have gone. The mystery will remain unsolved until Season 4.
Bill’s a patriot. He really is. The definition of patriot here is sex god. Laura knows this. The dialogue leading up to the squee proves it.
“Politics,” Bill says. “As exciting as war. Definitely as dangerous.”
“Though in war, you only get killed once,” Laura responds. “In politics, it can happen over and over.”
What happens when we remove the in polite company filter?
Politics=Laura. War=Bill. Get killed=orgasm.
Here’s how it really went down:
“Laura. As excited as Bill. Definitely as dangerous.”
“Though Bill can only orgasm once. For Laura, it can happen over and over.”
“You’re still standing.”
“So are you.”
“And I can dance.”
The man sure as frak CAN “dance.” Laura knows this, too.
Fine. So it really WAS all cute and innocent. But you know they totally did a little horizontal tangoing later.
So rewatch! And have your tubs of goo ready for when you die from the flail! Next week’s a fandom flail double-header: Kobol’s Last Gleaming, Parts 1 and 2. Because we all know that whole jail thing was just kinky foreplay.
Now… on to fandom. A HUGE round of applause to all our authors who seriously ROCKED the fic this week.
What Lee Overheard by
unavitasegreta The Admiral and the Pyramid Shark by
zaleti and
flamingo55Part Two Part ThreePart Four Just Like Mr. Benn by
babylon_whore Out of the Darkness by
katamaran78 Part Two Part Three Part Four The Vacuum in Space Will Draw Me to You by
babylon_whore Unspoken by
zinke Un-Expecting by
self_preserving Through the Eyes of a Madman by
narciscia The Pianist by
franglaisy The Other Side of Love Is by
the_justiner @
cylonish Part One Part Two With Fire in My Hands by
katamaran78 Watching Your Universe Cooling Down by
babylon_whore ANYTHING else
Nominate your favorite icons over at the
bsgawards captaintish brought to our attention a
BSG shipper poll over at
bsg_sosayweall. Kara/Lee is currently ahead of A/R (and OTCP), which is just WRONG on so many levels.
And a moment of silence (quiet sobs are permitted) for Mary and all our BSG cast, who were shamelessly robbed of their Emmy nods.
*crickets and sniffling*
Okay. That should be the only moment ANY of you are silent on Flail Friday, the holiest and flailiest of all holy flail days.
And now (because I told you this takes two of us), I turn you over to the mad cleverness of
OK BB's, Teacher says that after last week's AWESOME homework assignment that y'all turned in (A++++ for the whole class! and dirtay detentions for everyone!!), she was another one for you.
This week’s challenge gives Bill a bit of a break, the man works hard-stop giggling down the back, we can hear you-and give Laura a workout instead-we said STOP giggling.
So here's the spec: Laura as a Nugget-you can have her BE a nugget, have Bill just keep calling her nugget, hell you can have her flying a Viper if you feel like it, or have her in a flight suit simply for the purposes of sexings.
Fic, icons, spazzed out flailings… you can do as you please, once you do it in the comments.
We'd encourage you to write sexings, but really, we've met y'all in these threads before. You don't need encouragement.
And as per last week, your flailing and participation will be rewarded with NuggetLaura fic from us!!
So on your marks... get set... FLAIL, BITCHES, FLAIL!!!!