Okay, it's time to make your requests! Please keep in mind that none of the contributors are obligated to fill requests. If they do, great! But it's totally voluntary, so we hope you're not too disappointed if your deepest desires aren't fulfilled. We thought this would be a fun feature to have, and we'll certainly all try our best.
So please make any requests you might have for fic, vids, icons/mood themes and misc. below. You can make as many requests as you'd like. Please specify the fandom for each request, and make a note if there's a particular person you'd like to fulfill it (keeping in mind that they're not obligated).
After we close the contributor sign-up sheets on this Friday, January 14, and the request sheet next week,
queenofthorns and I will tabulate all the requests into a big list that will be separated by fandom. That way, it'll hopefully be easy peasy for contributors to take a look and find requests that apply to them.
Please note that requests for fic, vids, mood themes and most of the misc. category will be available to everyone to enjoy, since obviously the goal is to enourage as many donations as possible to the tsunami victims. Since icons are more personal, you can note if you'd like an icon you're requesting to be just for you. But otherwise, icons will be up for grabs for everyone, too.
So, for example, if I asked for a fic about Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy saving the world and becoming BFFs, everyone will be encouraged to read it when all the goodies are posted on February 14, it won't just be for me to read. (If anything is unclear, please let us know!)
Okay, ask away!
ETA: Please note that we've decided to leave requests open for an extra week, just in case any contributors find themselves short on inspiration. so this list will close Friday, January 21. However, contributors should feel free to get started on any requests that catch their fancy, if they are indeed taking requests.
ETA #2: Okay, requests are now closed. Thanks to everyone who spoke up!