Theme 106 :: Texture

Aug 05, 2010 02:14

Today's theme:

01. Comment to this post with your themed icon (or icons, if you have more claims).
02. You have 48 hours to submit your icon for this theme. You still have ~24 hours to submit yesterday's Theme 105: Silver Lining. Themes 1-104 are closed.
03. You don't have to explain how your icon relates to the theme unless you want to.

When entering, please use the following format:

Claim: Your claim (as listed on the claim list)
Number of completed icons so far: #/100

Number of completed icons so far: #/100

(Since Tash was taking some time off and it is just the 3 of us rotating right now according to her PM, I figured it was time again. If I posted out of turn, I apologize!)

theme 106: texture

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