HP7*&other news

Jul 21, 2007 11:28

hello all! Hows every one doing?

HP7, I'm sure we'll all be going nuts one way or another. My goal in the next few rambles will not be to spoil. I know not everyone will be able or willing to read right away -- even myself who has had the book for hours only managed to crack it open in the last 90 minutes and read two chapters. I guess I want to share emotions, impressions. Spoilage will come eventually.

First, I am sad -- sad that a group of characters that have come to life, that have, in a way, become part of my family will be officially leaving me today.  I know that as fans, Harry and co will always be with us -- that we'll always have a community and friends to discuss the story that is Harry's. Through fanfiction, I'm sure that many of us will address things we didn't like, that we'd have done differently.

Secondly, I know that many of us, who have been disatisfied with the way JK has handled Harry's coming of age and growing up will be almost delighted that the last page has been turned. I'll be honest right here and now and say that from book 4 on Harry's moodswings were eratic and in some ways not canon though how an author can write something not canon for her own characters, well I don't know but that's my opinion. But I respect Rowling tramendously for sticking to her vision of what was  in her head. She always said these were not stories for children; that has never changed. She said she new the end and just needed to basicly follow the road there.

I wonder if this wasn't cathartic for her -- the loss of her mother hugely impacted her and I read from something a friend sent me last night that she feels its important that children do understand the reality of death.
now, as for the book itself. It starts Dark,dark dark.  and I don't see that lifting.  We get tuns of faccts in the second chapter about a certain Character that just have me itching to write. The first chapter is certainly different and that's all I'll say for now.

In other HP unrelated news, i had to go X-ray my foot as when the rest of my body stopped hurting the foot started so now I nolonger have back and neck pains just foot pain. I never got the results. I'll have to call Monday morning.

Well, take care all.
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