hello all,
been bitten by the Star Wars bug. Well not really a bug more like a...umm...thingthatisgrowoingoutofcontrol type flu...or something. you know that analegy sucks. it's all
polgarawolf falt and so if at some date, far in the future, after "seeing" is done an Sw monster at 30+ outlined chapters start showing up. It's not my falt. this would require
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Well, I for one am looking forward to seeing both the HP story and the SW monster.
I feel for you - my stomach's been icky and crampy all day too, and it doesn't even have an excuse since I'm not due for a visit from the PMS monster for another week. Anyway, the icky stomach is why I haven't checked my email yet. Though I promise I will real soon!
*Blushes like mad*
Rec and spoil away! The more people reading, the merrier!
Anyways, good luck with work. Sounds like your job is pretty much always on a strees level parr with the week I just had. (Did I mention the place I work at - not the temp agency but the actual place - let go of the lady who's been working for them for like twenty years and was pretty much in charge of the thing that I do, and seems to have done it purely to save money so they can hire less expensive workers? Yeah. They did. Which adds stress and guilt into the mix, because I'm still there and might get hired in another five months. But they pretty much fired this woman and, well, you know. *Sighs*) Anyways, take care of yourself! I hope your stomach behaves and things get less hectic all around soon.
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