Aug 24, 2006 00:06
I really had some dumb turkeys dining in my store.
One of my waitresses told me that these two people at her table were f-up.
A girl maybe 20 and a guy 50's were sitting in cocktail looking messed up, not drinking.
He was creepy looking...sorta like Ernest goes to the crackhouse.
This girl kept passing out.
I told her I was concerned for her safety and going to call the ambulance.
She alertly told me they were on a road trip and just really tired.
So I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
I was honestly hoping they would be smart enough to get my hint and just box up there food.
Unfortunatley not the case.
Bar guest were getting uncomfortable.
I went back the table with the other manager Jeff to get his opinion.
After I saw there little plate of oranges I slipped away and called the police.
This girl kept nodding out and burning herself with a cigarette.
I could have kicked them out...
but didn't because I did not see how in the hell they could drive considering they had no concept of time nor anything else.
Cop came...
asked them questions.
Ernest had actually taken off his shoes and was wearing his old man socks, putting on a second tee-shirt?
The girl told the cop that her id was at Greenland hospital?
The cop didn't speak much to me...
then left.
I swore he called for back up.
We waited and then I could not see his car.
Eventually they finally left.
We all watched them drive away so slowly.
It was worrysome.
I kept waiting to see a cop get them...
never saw anything.
It did piss me off.
I wish the cop would have told me something.
However I do have faith in the system.
So I hope that the cop saw everything that everybody saw.
It was embaressing for my store to house these people.
But I if there is a chance that the cops helped then it was worth it.
I did have some of my staff making fun of them.
I suppose it is not an everyday kind of thing.
Someone told me that I should kick them out before the girl passed out and drowned in her enchalada soup and tried to come back to sue me.
All though they were obviously making dumb decisions, I did hope that they would learn from them rather than have to die from them.