Well, it's that time for my post. It's gonna be a big one, so stay with me on this. Well, since the last post....hmmmm. Kyle and I still haven't talked. I did see him in WalMart two days ago however. I didn't know a stomach could drop so fast. I didn't know if I was sad or pissed off from seeing him, but I don't want to think about it. Either way, I ended up crying, and I do NOT wish to cry over anyone anymore. I'm thinking the only way that I can really get him out of my life is to get rid of all pictures and everything else that has to do with him or that he gave me. Sometimes I just wish things could have been different. But that's life for ya, I suppose.
Now for myspace.
This is the link to my myspace page and what not. I think I'll start pasting my entries to that blog on there too or something. I guess I can change the link once I post it on there to come here? I dunno.
November 22 was Ben's b-day! XD Wooooooo hoooooooooo! He be 22 now, so we're cuurently 5 years apart for about two more months. Then I'll be 18, how groovy is that? Hehe. I do wish I could have got him something ;_;
For the past month or so, I've been listening to No Holds Barred radio on winamp XD Which I happen to find QUITE amusing. While they use my taboo words often, it's still funny as hell. And they flip their shit whenever a girl calls in XD They ask the typical male questions like "Do you spit? Would you take it in the ass? How big are your boobs? How much do you weigh?" You know, those questions that most guys wanna know deep down, but most would NEVER ask unlese they're 100% drunk. Hehe, I'd freak out too since all they EVER get are slightly retarded, just hitting puberty males that call in. If they're not that, then they seem to be ignorant beyond anyone's saving. Do we call this an ego booster? The world may never know.
School! Well, I got promoted in JROTC. I'm now a Liuetenant Colonel! Spiffy, eh? SOMEONE ruined the damn surprise for me though x.x I didn't think I'd be promoted anymore, but then a chick I sit next to came in at the begininng of class and told me I'd be getting promoted the next day. So sad ;_; but hell, I won't say I wasn't excited still! lol, I'm still passing all of my classes. Last I checked it was A/B grades, butttt I don't think I held on to that recently. lol, oops? In zoology we have now dissected a squid (which had a fish stuck in its head o.o), an earthworm, and more recently the crawfish, or! Lil lobsters! Surprisingly x.x the one the smelled the most was the earthworm. ALL THEY EAT IS DIRT!!!! WTF SHOULD THEY SMELL LIKE?!.....dirt, but no, they smelled terrible x.x
Turkey Day was yesterday! =^.^= And it was alright, but didn't feel like Thanksgiving ;_; For one, we went to our grandmother's x.x Which meant there was fog inside the house from allllllll the smoooooking people in there. You walk in to be punched in the lungs by all of it. So everyone's eyes were dry XD and just about everyone had those annoying mini-headaches that would come and go. These, however, aren't the really amusing events. The main one...was my grandmother. My grandmother is a drunk. Not as bad as she used to be I'm told, but it never fails for that woman to pass out on a holiday. She was already drinking before we got there. So before the plates were even cleared, that woman was gone XD She passed out at the table with her head resting on her fist XD It was so funny. Then some of use played Fact or Crap, which is a pretty fun game. Afterwards I played some MoH:Frontline on my uncle's PS2 that he brought over. End of Turkey Day.
Oh, I also got an e-mail from Melanie. Seems we're going to give friendship another try again. Nothing's happened yet, but that's okay. Atleast I know we can be civil around each other. It's not like we hated each other.....well, I didn't hate her, lol. I don't think I've been able to really tell what's going on in that head for a few years now cause it always changes. That's just her though ^.^ and if people have a problem with it, I guess all they can do is go fuck themselves. Word.
Well, I think I covered just about everything. So toodles until about Christmas!....maybe, heh. Sorry in advance for flooding your friend pages XD