Nov 17, 2005 23:41
whell! jamie and i are going to SC tomorrah to visit my parents and eat an early thanksgiving dinner b/c as we all know, next friday is black friday and i cant get the weekend off. plus the day before i have to work late doing a two day ad prep! barf.
my purple hair is really stoopid. grrr. i want dred again. AND i saw Mr. James the freakin zombie at target, i scared him and made his friend pee a little.
and i am really bored. jamie is weally tired b/c he always works early and i always keep him up late, but hookerlauren is comin ova and we are prolly gonna be loud and keep him up.
oh yah! ADRIANNE! if we stop by g'boro sunday, we have to make timecard art! i have all these insane ideas. i bought a poster board but i forgot the dimentions! i know, im remedial.