Apr 29, 2005 17:03
welp, i applied for financial aid and i changed my major to political science. im moving back really soon... but... i have to give up the cell phone and internet. i have to use the comp lab at school to get online. at first i was kinda mad but now.. i dont really give a shit. one less distraction. so i wont really be on much anymore, even starting now cuz my comps broken. i can fix it but i dont really feel like pulling it apart right now. its been pretty rad though, i go home, pull weeds for an hour and i get fifty bucks, on top of that my grandmother paid off my $700 car insurance bill. god i miss my family. oh and folks, like i said im getting rid of the interent so if you want to stay in touch, leave me yer numbers and do it soon. dosnt matter if i already have it, its all in my cell and i had it turned off. oh and specs is awesome as fuck, i went there and dug through the bargen bin and i found two godspeed cd's the criteria album, a bad ass computer game (i know my comps broke but i ll fix it so i can play it)a jade tree sampler and the sundays best album, best of all they were all 2 bucks and buy one get one free. yeah i cleaned up. oh and im growing a beard. oh and fuck hair cuts, im done with em. i want a pea coat.............................................