(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 12:40

Right now, this morning, November 3rd, 2004, I am going to write an entry that I might possibly be ashamed of and delete later, but I'm going to write it now because if I don't release my volitility somewhere, I'm going to blow up at someone that doesn't deserve it and regret my actions even more.

I am going to graduate into a world that is determined by the stupid fucker that we have just re-elected to run the country. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. (I hate to point it out, but since some people don't get sarcasm online, there it was.) I sincerely hope that George W. Bush's administration re-thinks some of its policies, but I also sincerely believe that it won't. I'll be travelling abroad in the hostile environment that our Commander in Chief has created for Americans throughout the rest of the world. The rest of the world hates us, folks, and those of you that don't believe it are decieving yourselves and/or not paying attention. (And yes, for those of you that believe the contrary, it does matter.) And, right now, I hate us too. For many different reasons, and especially in the past three or four years, I have disliked the country I've grown up in. Many of our social standards are backasswards, and no one seems to notice. And if someone does notice, they're attacked for being "unpatriotic." Attack me as much as you feel you need to, but I have never - never - felt so angry, so ashamed, so fearful of the direction this country is headed.

I'm not a person that's able to articulate her political views in a way that is defendable - I just lack the rhetorical skill. That doesn't mean my stance is invalid. I also know that everyone has their opinion, and everyone believes that they're right (or else they wouldn't be opinions, after all.) I'm also not a Democrat. I'm one of those annoying "independents" that "just can't make up their mind" - except for the fact that I think our two-party system is total shit and not representative of the many different political views of the citizens of this country. But right now, I feel so helpless in my situation that it's making me sick. I don't even know how to continue this post because I'm so unbelieving, so disgusted, so dissapointed that I can't think.

On a related note, all eleven states that had a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage on their ballot approved it with overwhelming majority. That's really advanced, everyone. Get the fuck over yourself, and quit hiding from your insecurities. If a child needs both a mother and a father in order to grow up "normal", then maybe we should be looking at the ever-increasing divorce rate in this country and the alarming trend of divorce as a common and acceptable outcome of marriage. I'd rather have two mothers or two fathers that loved each other than a mother and a father that hated each other and split, leaving their children floundering to figure out who they love more.

(No, I am not saying that same-sex marriage would be immune to the plagues of "normal" marriages. I'm just pointing out that we're completely ignoring what is possibly a bigger issue in terms of raising children than the one we seem to be putting all of our energy into.)

So, in conclusion, thank you America. I will be telling people I meet abroad that I am Canadian, and right now, I almost wish it were true.
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