Aug 29, 2005 13:54
Blah I havent updated in forever thats prolly a good thing I guess haha whatever I seem to just spend taht time then on myspace haha when I am online..Im back at school and already feeling the rush of everything, damn my schedule is alright but I'm taking two classes i really dont need to be taking whatevers..last semester until I only do all the core reqs and electives..which I have to really do good in and hurry up and finish long beach and do God knows what..
I'm excited to pick up the car, kinda weary about everything I have to start paying for..ugh insurance, rent, okay you know im gonna be one poor student and did i mention all the kappa stuffage..and trying to help out on pcn board..okay maybe i stacked too much on my plate.. *maybe*
summer went by so freakin fast..I had fun..but most of it was spent working and realizing everyone i know is getting old..all we do now is work or try to find work or go to school to prepare us to life isnt it..
I really dont know what else to update im doing okay i guessss haha just trying to survive..okay till then