
Apr 03, 2006 19:11

ahhh im so tired, but i need to update, so here it goes. this weekend was pretty funny. friday night i saw saves the day and they were amazing. they played a ton of old stuff, they just didnt play you vandal. me and jason were pissed about that but whatever. there were so many cute chicks at that show. i didnt flirt with any or anything, it just made me feel good to know they existed. after the show i saw matt baker at the train station and we chilled on the train ride home with stoller lizz and couches. saturday was ok. i just hungout with stoller douris and 2x pretty much. we went shopping and at night we went to a party and i lost my wallat. NEVER PLAY A GAME OF CHANCE WITH KARMA. i was like i lost my wallet wah wah, then i found it, and i was like hah hah i beat karma. i then ate a bagel. the next morning i woke up with food poisoning....congrats karma, you kicked my ass. yesterday i just kept puking and shitting, it sucked. i had a really high feever too which caused confusion. i was too weak to make an lj entry lastnight lol. today im still pretty out of it, but i can walk around and stuff which is good. yeah, this week is judgement week. blah blig bloo blaaaaaah
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