Nov 14, 2009 03:47
Ok, so if I didnt believe in Friday the thirteenth and its curse before, I sure as hell do now.
First off, my heinous cold is still around and is making working slightly difficult. So yes I would like to preface all that I'm about to tell you with: During all of the following I was sneezing and coughing and suffering through the congestion headache from hell.
Keep that in mind.
My day started off with an agonizing meeting at work wherein we explored (in ridiculous detail) the steps of service and all the ins and outs of the restaurant industry and what the Breeze expects of us. After those lovely hours I began my shift with James. It was going so well. I was supervisor of our half of the restaurant, James was right beside me, we were going to get out early...lovely all in all. Then a girl we work with dropped a glass which sliced open James' finger to the point that he had to leave work and go to the ER. James had to endure x-rays and stiches. I was on my way to my table to ask if they wanted another round of drinks when I recieved a text message telling me about those stiches. This was also when the Sheriff's department and fire marshall came into the restaurant shouting that everyone had to leave the building. Sighing I calmly told everyone in my half of the restaurant that there was a gas leak (as the sheriff was shouting) and I needed them to calmly get up and exit the building. The freaked of course and rushed out in the least orderly fashion they could manage.
This meant that there were about 20,000 dollars worth of food and liqour going to waste and not being paid for, just sitting on the tables.
My fellow employees and I, realizing the fact that we were not likely to get paid went to EXPO and grabbed as much food as our incredibly capable hands could carry. We then rushed out of the building with everyone else to have a picnic in the parkinglot in front of all of our guests. Each of us handles cash and even the cooks and dish washers have to clean to close the restaurant so all of us had to sit in that cold parkinglot for three hours for the Gas company, fire department and police department to let us back in.
I was miserable, and no one, save George, would answer their goddamn phones!!!! not even my grandma!!!!!
In the end when we were allowed back in, we had the fastest close up in history. However we didnt have hot water so I dont envy the people who open in the morning The dish area is covered in filthy dishes and practically nothing is set up for tomorrow. I have no idea how much money we lost but yowza was that an adventure.
Dammnit I needed the money too.
bahama breeze,