Title: Out of Unconsciousness
Author: Caitriona
Fandom: Magnificent Seven
Characters: Vin Tanner
Pairings: n/a
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG
Warnings: n/a - see below for prompts
Word Count: 995 words
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Story is done from the love of fandom and writing.
Summary: Vin hates hospitals.
Bingo Prompts:
Hurt/Comfort Fill - Hospital
Angst Fill - Vulnerable
Mag 7 Fill - In the shadows of the watch fires
…where am I…dark…in bed…beeping sounds…clean smell…too clean…too quiet…
Vin Tanner’s mind labored to catalogue what little information his senses were feeding it. Touch, sound, scent - it was all he had. His eyes felt too heavy to open, but there was no light seeping through. It had to be dark. Just dark, or is it night? He could feel the sheets beneath his hands, too crisp for his - at either home. Not my bed. So where then? He listened harder. The beeping noise kept a steady rhythm. He knew that rhythm…if he could just place it. Heartbeat. That was it. The beeping was following the same rhythm as a heartbeat. Bleach. Lemons. The scent of bleach mixed with lemons gave him the final clues he needed.
Damn, he hated hospitals. What happened? He forced himself to remain still, eyes closed. He wanted to look around. He wanted to get out. He wanted find some privacy. The problem? He had no idea if he was safe, or what was wrong with him.
Drugged; I’ve got to be. Too sluggish to be anything else. Pain’s dull, too. Left leg and shoulder…strange kind of pounding in my head. What the hell happened?
He delved into his memories, trying to remember the last thing before waking up.
The bust - I was in the scaffolding, watching Ez do his thing.
He could see it in his mind. The target chose to hold the meeting in a construction site at six in the morning. Ezra Standish had been less than impressed, but agreed. Vin got there the night before to set up. A quick scout of the location yielded two spots he could use. One provided better protection for him, but less coverage of the floor. It left the team’s undercover agent more vulnerable. The second location definitely gave a better view, but it left him exposed if he was spotted. He took the second choice.
Team first, then the individual.
It had always been his creed, and he did not plan on changing it, regardless of the danger. He learned some new combinations of curse words the next morning when his teammates got a good look at him. He had almost fallen out of his perch when the first voice thundered in his ear.
“Vin Tanner, what the hell kind of position do you call that?”
A moment of sheer surprise kept the radios silent as JD Dunne’s furious voice echoed out to everyone. The kid never talked like that to one of them. The cursing started when the rest of the team realized what JD had seen.
“Damn it, Tanner!” Chris Larabee’s voice seethed. Vin could picture the team leader looming over their tech’s shoulder to glare at the surveillance screen. After a long moment, Chris snapped out. “You get yourself into trouble, and I will shoot you myself.” An almost silent growl fed through before Chris spoke once more. “Everyone into place. I want this quick and clean before Vin gets himself killed.” As Vin heard the rest of the team moving around, Chris spoke once more. “You better have a good explanation for that choice, Tanner.”
“I will be eager to hear as well, Mr. Tanner.” Ezra’s cultured voice held a biting tone to it, and Vin could see the expression on his face. There would be concern, of course, but there would be a heavy dose of his ‘are you an idiot’ expression.
Vin grimaced. His two best friends were pissed. Ezra was going to give him hell for being vulnerable just to watch the undercover agent’s back. Chris would understand, sort of, but he would still get a glare and one of the leader’s silent lectures.
The rest of the bust followed the plan like a checklist - which should have been the first clue. It would have been picture perfect except for their target’s paranoia. Vin had expected the first examination of the building. Only an idiot walks into a meet blind. However, at the same moment Ezra signaled the ‘go’ to the waiting agents, the target’s guards did a second full scan of the building. Two of them spotted Vin. Shouts and bullets began flying. He remembered a bullet hitting his leg. The ATF agents were winning, but he was pinned down in the meantime. He felt a sharp burst of pain, and then everything went dark.
His eyes no longer felt so heavy, but he kept them closed as he listened for the sounds he should be hearing. Where were they? They should be here. He could feel his breathing becoming shallow. Where were they? He never woke up in the hospital alone. Chris had promised. If Chris could not be here, Ezra should be. Where were they? His heart rate began to pick up. He could hear the machine picking up. Where were they?
One of the main rules of ATF team seven, no one stays at the hospital alone. It might as well have been carved in stone. Where is everybody? They never left a teammate vulnerable. Vin usually had two friends watching over him. Why can’t I hear them? He did not have many phobias, but being alone and vulnerable at the mercy of others topped them.
Vin’s mind began fighting the drugs. Chris…Ezra…were they hurt? How bad did things go? Where are the others? He began thrashing as he pulled out of the drugged haze. He had to get somewhere secure and find the others. The IV line pulled out of his hand. Several of the wires came loose and caused the alarms to go off. Got to find…
His head snapped around. Chris leapt out of the second bed as Ezra rushed from the bathroom. He fell back against his pillow as nurses piled into the room. It did not matter. No one else mattered. They were here. He could rest, hospital or not, safe in the shadows of the watch fires.
Reviews are always welocme.