Apr 27, 2005 11:51
My body’s made interesting changes since last year. They’re interesting to me anyway. A few months ago, I noticed that I was feeling like a fattie more often than not & decided to embark on my very first really-real diet. With full fervor, I did the low-carb thing & made consistent trips to the gym. I honestly did kick ass. Now I’ve certainly slacked off since the beginning, but I’ve managed to make permanent improvements to my eating & exercise habits. The result so far?
18 whole pounds. The weird thing is I can’t tell the difference.
It’s just a fact that I have to work a little harder than most people to stay in shape. There’s too many factors working against me - my unfortunately sedentary lifestyle (sitting in a desk at work, sitting in my car, sitting in a desk at school, sitting in bed studying = my day), the baby control I’m on & it’s fattening effects, not to mention my love of the good food & the drinky.
I didn’t blog about the experience or my progress because I felt it wouldn’t make for fascinating reading material. I still don’t - diet blogs are lame. File this entry under “personal achievements”, or “gloating”, and we’ll never speak of it again.