May 16, 2004 22:49
things are going okay
i had a pretty good weekend
I got to see Ted a few times. He hasd been AWOL for a while.
Today was a lazy sunday.
Lunch with a bunch of choir folks and Jaws whom i may never see again. : (
It was a good time anyhow.
I sat around
I watched the Pistons game
they won a huge game on the road and it's going to game 7.
I may be able to watch game 7 at a bar, for Tuesday is my 21st birthday.
Yes may 18th i become legal. I expect little to change, but it's fun getting older at least for a little while.
I need to get rid of this cough it sucks alot.
This should be a pretty good week.
so i'll see y'all later