So Red Nose Day is here. Hurrah! I hope everyone will be tuning in to tonight's Comic Relief, it looks great. (Tara FTW, by the way)
I am your host for Fandom Comic Relief,
taurenova, and I'm happy to welcome you all to the inagural Multi-Fandom Comic Relief Week.
Starting to day and closing at midnight GMT Friday 23rd of March we will be taking in, fingers corssed, a nice amount of humourous fics, vids, icons and other related things.
Good luck to all that are participating, a reminder that anyone is welcome to join in - it's never too late, and Happy Red Nose Day to all.
I will be pitching in sometime tonight with my first fic - and I've got a couple more planned for the rest of the week.
Your Frinedly Neighbourhood Mod,