Fic: Five Things John Wishes He Hadn't Told Rodney

Feb 27, 2008 22:08

Quite quite quite quite quite some time ago, sybrant (back before she changed her handle) gave a prompt. I just found it on my computer in an old folder and it's done, so I figured I'll post it. I also have a midterm tomorrow and a paper due Friday, so this is excellent procrastination!

Title:Five Things John Wishes He Hadn't Told Rodney
Author: fancieflights
Fandom/Pairing: Stargate Atlantis, McShep
Rating: PG is rounding it up
Summary/Warnings: John's list of things he maybe shouldn't have shared with his scientist, around Season 3 I think. Schmoop. Unbeta'd, but I read it after writing it over year ago and gave it a good look over.
Notes: Nat, dearest, this one's for you! I'm just sorry I didn't post it earlier.

archived at fancieflights

1.) There was one time when John told Rodney he was afraid. It was a mission gone bad from the start, leaving he and Rodney separated from Ronon and Teyla, captured, and thrown in a cell of some sort. The kind of cell that was impervious to Air Force Colonel and astrophysicist alike, and thus very very bad for them. They didn’t know who had captured them, let alone where they were or what the natives were planning to do to them. Rodney was huddled in the corner, for once even his brilliant mind not coming up with some sort of last-minute-save-the-day solution, and John really had just been trying to make him feel better. His "I’m scared too" declaration didn’t have quite the calming effect he had been going for, even if it was the truth, and he couldn’t have been more grateful to see Ronon and Teyla when they appeared in front of the bars.

2.) John telling Rodney that, yes, Rodney getting shot in the ass with an arrow really was rather funny, if not all out hilarious. He hadn’t meant to tell Rodney, in fact, he had assured the scientist on numerous occasions that it was the most un-funny thing he could think of. John continued to blame whatever the local hooch he was under the influence of a week or so later when he shared. Rodney was the farthest from being a happy camper he had ever been, and John’s brand-new black eye was all anyone could gossip about for weeks.

3.) The first time John saw the Stargate active was in the SGC a couple days before they had left for Atlantis. SG-14 was embarking to PX-whatever and John had been talking with General O’Neill when it activated; it was all he could do to breathe. He told Rodney later, when they were bonding over Canadian beer on the East Pier, and Rodney had proceeded to give him a very detailed description of exactly what the shiny blue light was. Rodney, it seemed, had a knack for taking the romance out of more than one situation at once.

4.) John hadn’t meant to tell Rodney he knew most of what Rodney was talking about. Rodney had gone off on a tangent as they were walking through the trees on some planet he forgot the designation for already, and stopping only when he tripped over an exposed root. Teyla had helped him back up and, once they were moving again, John asked to him to continue without even thinking about it, how exactly were Points A, C, and F related anyway? It was cute at the time, Rodney stopped and flushed a bit and flapped his mouth a few times looking for all the world like a guppy. John didn’t think it was cute anymore. Okay, so that look was still cute, but Rodney’s new tendency to want to share all his ideas with John instead of Radek was going to be bad for all of Atlantis, especially Rodney as John didn’t really care to hear them any more. If he didn’t stop, Rodney’s ass was going to be a lot sorer than it normally was.

5.) Most of all, John wishes he had never told Rodney "I love you." Love makes things complicated in any relationship, and John didn’t really want complicated, he just wanted Rodney. Now, though, John was fussing over Rodney and Rodney was fussing over John and Ronon was constantly amused and all Teyla wanted to know when they were planning on having the ceremony.

sgafic, fic, mcshep, sga

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