DC Comics: Heart, Humble by Betty (formerly Brown_Betty)

Sep 25, 2024 04:20

Posted by: beatrice_otter

Fandom: Batman comics
Characters/Pairings: Tim, Jack, and Dana Drake.
Rating: E
Length: 7,847 words
Author Links:

[archiveofourown.org profile]

Theme: family, missing scene, pre-AO3 works, secret identities, minor characters, outside POV, competence

Summary: Back then, all the boys his age had hero-worshipped costumed vigilantes. Jack supposes they still do.

Reccer's Notes:  Tim Drake was the third Robin, and unlike the first two he was not an orphan.  He was a kid whose parents mostly ignored him when he was little, and so as an adolescent he slipped out regularly to photograph Batman and Robin on their rounds through the city.  He figured out who Batman was and, after Jason Todd (Robin II) died, Tim volunteered for the job.  He was pretty good at it, too.

Then his dad figured it out, and freaked.  He did let Tim go back to being Robin, but the comics never told us why, nor anything about what Tim was doing when he wasn't Robin.


brown_betty fills in the gaps brilliantly.  This story is told from Jack's point of view, as he comes to terms with who and what his son is, and they learn to be family again now that Jack actually knows the most important thing in his son's life.  It's an understated, well-written story that I go back to re-read frequently.

Story Links: Heart, Humble

ETA: Sorry for the bad link, folks, it's fixed now!

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