Conversations with women

Feb 13, 2006 22:30

No its not one of those posts.

Its just that most of my weekend consisted with talking to various female friends/family.

It was time to make a trip back to Maidstone for the man I would consider my 'mentor' in many ways, Christian. I could put an entire post in about how much I value this man and to be honest it’s a pretty large blessing that so many good friends surround me in the UK. However it would be the other conversations that would leave me to ponder this weekend.

One of my friends had returned from a trip round the world and was back living in Maidstone. Always a shy and slightly shrinking violet before the age of 21 she had transformed herself to an outgoing and fascinating person full of confidence. It was a pleasure to be able to invite a friend along to an event and feel comfortable to leave her talking to people without having to be concerned about what was going on. It made me think about the effects of pushing yourself into new situations and exposing yourself to new elements.

The next day brandishing a well deserved hangover I went to town and meet with a girl that had lived close to my home when I was young and that I used to walk to school with (you know when I wasn't skipping it). She had recently married and was still living in our hometown, a pretty good sign that you weren't going anywhere fast. Laughing about this, she merely shrugged about it, she was happy being the big fish in the little pond, not a bad place to be. Is it ambition that costs us happiness?

Dinner with my mother was close to a full-blown argument. Due to a further development of my mum’s condition a new problem has been brought to light, one that is probably going to be passed on genetically. My mother’s feelings on this were pretty clear that she hated the idea that her genetics could hurt her children. Dad was pretty quiet on the subject. It’s probably a conversation still to come.

Finally I meet with my current housemates first (and now ex) girlfriend (try saying that fast). Having recently suffered a series personal set backs she was able to remove them all from her path by merely getting into bed with a guy that she had know for a few years. Though she had always said she would have no interest in him, when he was able to solve all her problems it seamed a quick decision from her point of view. This seamed to put no breaks on her flirting with me however. It’s funny how the people that you always considered to be more upstanding than others you know can prove you so wrong (or perhaps I’m just a poor judge of character). Combined with some information that came to my knowledge about one of my housemates while I was at home, I feel rather distrustful at this time.

Still gives you food for thought.
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