I had meant to finish this 45 ago

Jan 03, 2006 20:56

Sadly I was also updating my MP3 player with some lovely music which had caused the though to pop into my mind about checking up on the internet prices of some CD’s. The end result was not pretty and it may take some time before my bank manger talks to me again after we had such a good discussion about what my over draft should and should not be used for.


I plodded back to work today though it was slow going across the office as nothing really begins to pick up until next week. It also gave me some time to consider what to be doing this year with myself. I have a few things to set my sites on one of my aims for the year is to be more sociable and try to spend less time sitting in front of DVD’s / PS2 and rather and rather get out a little more. Though with these bad boys it might be hard.
Aside from that I had some plans revolving around personal improvement, less junk food more gym all the usual crap and stopping all the snack food I eat. Time will tell on all of this. One thing occurred to me last night as I was listening to some music before turning in was that in no place have I given time to or decided to spend time back at church or with god. I’m not really certain how to take that - have I just given up or is the fact I’m thinking about it maybe a sign that I might go back? Well I guess that what you get for listening to Princes version of One of Us late into the evening. Well wishing you all the best for the new year!
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