1. Today, I reached the halfway word count mark on the first draft of my thesis. I would feel pleased with myself, if it weren't for the fact that I'm finding it pretty much impossible to feel pleased with anything I do on this thesis at the moment. I am entirely burnt out on it, to the point where I know I'm consistently producing work way below
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Very exciting about the flat. Is it still on rightmove, can I have a nose? Woo for manchester, direct trains from Oxford! Plus when the baby turns up I'll probably be up in that neck of the woods more often (because you only get to see them grow up once *sob*)
I'm sorry you're having thesis angst (you can make it 5 people who will ever read it, unless you were already counting me). And anyway, you're in the early days of your field, so it might take a while but the stuff you're doing will probably come to be the must-read seminal paper (hee) on the subject. And if that doesn't make you feel better, at least you're closer to finishing than I am - take comfort in the misfortune of others
I am glad the chocolates were delicious! I had some from that place myself, and it was seriously all I could do to stop myself from spending a month's budget and putting on 3 stone, ALL OF GANACHE.
They've taken the flat off the interwebs, which is hopefully a good sign and means they aren't going to reject our application. I am a little worried, though; the letting agency keeps nagging for Hazel's student loan confirmation, even though we've told them, hey, A-level results only came out on Thursday, Student Loan Company's probably still sorting applications out - I just hope they're not going to take it as us trying to dodge the question of where our money is.
I still can't believe you're going to be an aunt. SO EXCITING. I hope you are ready for the responsibility of being a thoroughly bad influence in that child's life.
LOL seminal. You do know how to cheer me up :D I'm just irritable, really, because I can't work on it the way I want to (i.e. making polished little bits of things); I know that I can't make it really GOOD until I've got the whole thing down and can properly tidy up the structure and flow &c., but I just find it so hard to keep telling myself "it doesn't matter if it's not perfectly finished, you can fix it LATER", when later is in like 6 months and I still have to show it to someone first :(
See you at the weekend still?
and by the time I see you, I'll have hopefully handed in my end-of-first-year report; I can't remember if I've told you about this, but suffice to say it came as something as a surprise to me when I was told I had to write one. But almost done! And I'm happy just to have written something beyond the 200-word abstract I did back in January
Saturday = YES :D I'm in Bangor on the Friday night, but should be getting back early afternoon Saturday; I can come straight round if you want?
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