Nicked from
impure_impulse and
darkenedwings. I like memes that let me just ramble about assorted fandom things.
Pick your 6 favourite fandoms and answer the questions (don't look at the questions before):
In alphabetical order:
1) Ace Attorney
2) Death Note
3) Final Fantasy VIII
4) Fire Emblem 9/10
5) Harry Potter
6) Temeraire
01. Who is your favorite character from #6 (Temeraire series)?
This is the only one of those 6 fandoms for which this isn't an easy question; there's a whole bunch of characters I love in these books. I think it's just about Laurence, though, in the end. The way he struggles to reconcile his conscience and his duty and his sense of honour is always so affecting to read, and is just difficult enough to keep him interesting and complicated as well as the Good Admirable Man that he is. Also, I will never ever get tired of seeing him get all awkward and flustered (and apparently Novik never gets tired of writing it, which suits me just fine :D).
02. Who is your least favorite character from #4 (Fire Emblem 9/10)?
Assuming we're not counting the ones you're not meant to like, Micaiah :/ The "good-hearted & idealistic princess/Chosen One realises the world is cruel and learns that in life you sometimes have to make difficult moral decisions" character model is always a hard sell for me (I think the only one I've ever really liked is Ashe in FFXII, and that's mostly because she's not at all naive and the decisions she has to make really are grey and difficult), and one way not to make it work for me is to add to that basic character model a whole host of Special Magical Powers and Uniquely Tragic (and also Special) Backstory. That said, I still liked her a surprising amount - these games are also full of extremely likeable characters, apart from the intentionally horrible ones (of whom the most horrible is imo Izuka, ugh).
03. What would a crossover between #1 (Ace Attorney) and #5 (Harry Potter) include?
Wizard lawyers? Phoenix getting his new wizard friends to Accio evidence out of the crime scene/Gumshoe's pockets for him to have a look at? Any or all of the Feys going to Hogwarts? Epic arguments between Edgeworth and Maya about whether wizards are real or not? Or if the HP characters came into the Ace Attorney world, then maybe you could put Snape on trial for the murder of Albus Dumbledore, and have the appropriate turnabout at the end :D
04. Who is your favorite ship from #1 (Ace Attorney)?
Canon-wise, well, I'm not really that interested/keen on any of the canon ships...Gumshoe/Maggey is gorgeous, and Valant->Thalassa/Zak does intrigue me. Fanon-wise, though, Klavier/Daryan just about beats P/E to the favourite pairing spot. Like P/E, it's headcanon for me, and like P/E, you can do so much with the relationship and make it say so much about the characters involved - but there's just something about the aesthetic, the context, the tone, I guess, and general type of relationship that K/D is that appeals to me that little bit more. It's all the potential for sleaze and angst, really, let's be honest.
05. If you were to set one person from #3 (FFVIII) and one person from #6 (Temeraire) on a blind date, who would they be?
Either Irvine with Jane Roland, for the wonderful smackdown and gentle and yet utterly humiliating humour and disinterest with which she would meet any of his attempts at flirting, or Granby with Squall, because I'm sure they could get the same stoic, bearing-a-Great-Weight-of-Responsibility leader + passionate, improper, fiercely loyal right-hand-man kind of eminently slashable dynamic that Granby has with Laurence in Temeraire going - except there's even more potential for entertainingly flustering and disarming Squall than there is with Laurence, given that Squall is a) younger and b) even more incapable of dealing with his even more volatile emotions.
06. If you could meet one person from #4 (FE 9/10) and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do?
Naesala, post-Radiant Dawn. I would get him to take me to fancy diplomatic parties and then gossip/bitch/tell me entertaining and embarrassing stories constantly about all the important people there.
07. If you could change one thing about #2 (Death Note)'s plotline, what would you change?
I suppose I'd like L to have been the one who caught Light, given that a) he did have it all figured out, he just couldn't prove it, and b) he is so instrumental in Light's eventual downfall. I feel like L deserves to get his victory. So idk, get L to realise that the Death Note rules might have been falsified, and then go from there? But then, in the end, he's only able to be as instrumental as he is in what happens to Light because he dies and is replaced; his death is necessary and I don't know if I would want to change that. For something that seems to make so little sense so very often, Death Note has a surprisingly tight plot.
08. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from #5 (Harry Potter), and why you like the relationship between them.
The extent of my mental participation in the Trioshipping debates in this fandom was to think that if Harry had had to end up with anyone, I would have liked it to be with Luna. I think Harry has a genuine respect for and understanding of Luna that few if any other characters do in the series, for one thing. I also think that she repeatedly shows herself to be capable of giving him the kind of support and understanding that I think JKR wanted us to believe Ginny was giving him, without really making any attempts to show us that - and I like that she doesn't engage with him as a hero or as artificially special beyond the good characteristics he does have. I think that her abstractness, her lateralness, her quirkiness and her gravity could be really good for him, and his good-hearted, earnest mundanity could be good for her. You can see that they both find each other interesting and entertaining, and like I said, there's mutual respect. Shame it was always going to be Harry/Ginny, really. But I really like Harry and Luna as friends, too, and I always like it when fic shows them to have stayed friends past the end of the books.
09. If the lead title characters (first name in the credits) from #1 (Ace Attorney) and #3 (FFVIII) were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be?
Much as I love you, Squall, I'd rescue Nick. I can't exactly put my finger on why, though.
10. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6 (Temeraire), what would the character be like and what would their role be?
I would like to see just one more prominent female captain, I think - and preferably one who was primarily a tactician rather than a soldier (needs more - visible, at least - tacticians generally in the Corps, actually), the kind of human equivalent of Perscitia (except more inclined to fight, so she's not completely useless as a captain).
11. What happens in your favorite episode of show #2 (Death Note)?
L and Light play the most sexually charged game of tennis there has ever been and try and out-think and anticipate each other to the point where I'm surprised either of them can remember which one of them they actually are. It's more lolworthy engaging than it sounds.
12. If you could kill off one of the characters of #1 (Ace Attorney), who would it be and how would you do it?
Oldbag. I don't have an astonishing amount of bile towards her, so I've not exactly got some elaborate death fantasy worked out for her - she's just pretty much the only comic relief in the games that I find completely unfunny, she adds nothing to the plot, and she's the source of some of the most irritating and frustrating bits of gameplay in the series. The fact that she seems to be coming back in Gyakuten Kenji is the only thing about that game I'm not excited about :/
13. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 (FFVIII) or show #5 (Harry Potter), which would you choose?
Not listing tv- or film-based fandoms makes this question kind of hard. Erm, I would rather go and see the Final Fantasy games in production than meet JKR, for her sake as much as mine (I do love the HP books, but I like JKR less and less with every interview she gives, and there's an awful lot of problematic things in the books I'd want to bother her about). But then again, I would love to go and visit the Hogwarts film sets, or what little of them isn't completely computer-generated, because, frankly, I've always wanted to go to Hogwarts :D
14. So, I saved the best question for last. If you could date anyone from any of these fandoms, which show and which person?
The characters I like in fiction tend to be characters that I wouldn't even want to spend time with in RL, let alone date. And the kind of person I would want to date doesn't tend to show up in fiction very often.