Life's like that...

May 05, 2011 23:46

Don't you just love it when you put yourself out on a line and make a bunch of promises only to have RL come by and try to crush you without the least bit of empathy?

Couple of things happened in the last few months that completely messed up my plans. My superior at work got really sick so they rushed me to take over her position while she was away. More work for me. At the same time I signed up to go back to school. I'm fast tracking it so I can be done in a year and get a certificate in Human Resources (my ultimate career goal for the moment). Aaaaaand Windows Vista is useless. I caught a virus so bad I needed to buy another laptop. What few chapters I had managed to write for Cat and Mouse, Walking a Mile and Canvas of Scars? Down the crapper lol

At the moment I really gotta focus on school. But once that's over I'll rewrite my lost chapters. Hopefully they'll come out looking better than ever? Second times the charm? lol

Wish me luck in RL :D Sorry I've been so quiet. Things have been really hectic. 


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