Apr 20, 2010 20:25
Two more to go! Got one exam thursday and another next week on monday (which is my most epic one: cumulative, all ten chapters on Psychology of Addiction). And then? Then I'm finished. As in, my degree is complete! So I shall have a major in Psychology and minor in Criminology. I have yet to figure out what I want to do with those things lol
Also? For anyone who had been following my rant about group work: I got an A+!!!! HA! Take that Carlos! I wish I knew what kind of mark he got, cause dammit he didn't deserve more than a C!
One thing Im pissed off about, that class was scary because it required participation (worth 30% of whole mark). Less than twenty people in the class, all talking about advanced neuropsychology.... I was intimidated. But I spoke up. What did I get for participation? Not bad, a B which is good.... but she boosted those under a C- to that level and left the rest of us where we were. Those who spoke up? No reward. It took balls to talk in that class dammit!
On a good note: two more exams and I can work on another chapter of canvas of scars hehehe
*sigh* End rant.