Oct 03, 2006 17:09
I'm writing this in the train on my way back home after my second day of school. I had my first Spanish class! It was fun, although I had definitely forgotten that it takes like, actual work to learn a new language. The last time I tried that, was at least seven years ago when I started high school and learned French.
(The movement of the train is seriously fucking with my handwriting by the way and it's not that great/readable in the first place.) Anyway, good class and the (female) professor seems nice but strict when needed.
I also had English for which I have a very cool professor, who can't be more than seven or eight years older than me, but he seems like he'd do a good job. (Voor de Nederlanders: hij had een shirt aan met op de rug 'Buutvrij for life'. haha) We didn't do much learning-wise because a lot of people don't have their book yet (including me) and you have to have your books in order to do a series of assesment tests, before the actual classes can start.
I'm very much hoping that these tests will get me either completely out of English or other wise at least out of the boring simple assignment. We'll see, I guess...
And lastly I had Dutch and yeah, it never was a favorite subject of mine, but I have a feeling this professor is going to drive me insane. Dutch is taught by a middle aged man who first arrived twenty minutes late and then was unable to restore the order in the class so he just send everyone without a book home. You can imagine that everyone just stuffed their books into their bags, pretending they didn't have a book and went home.
Oh and did I mention he has a comb over haircut? Comb overs are ev0l, yo.
I'll post my thoughts on the Supernatural premiere in a little while, I want to make it a separate post so I don't accidentally spoil people and I also want to re-watch the episode first. :)
ETA: I forgot; I need something to read on the train so I don't bore myself to death. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I've seen this posted by several people on my flist already and since I whole heartedly agree:
"why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - ernest gaines
we would like to know who really believes in gay rights on livejournal. there is no bribe of a miracle or anything like that. if you truly believe in gay rights, then repost this and title the post as "gay rights". if you don't believe in gay rights, then just ignore this. thanks.
gay rights,