cause all we have to give.. is ourselves

May 31, 2009 01:31

 pick up the pace, pause and live in that moment.

Ever felt that the things which make your very life colourful and interesting are also the very things that screw up your life and make you shatter?
Cause that's exactly how I think and feel.
When you go high up and your expectations have been formed, you can't help but to try and find what you're looking for. When you can't find it, the feeling brings you lower than you were before.
Life doesn't suck. It's the things in life that do. & it all boils down to your very own actions.
1. We don't cherish things till they are gone (despite constant reminders)
2. We tend to rash into things in the spur of the moment
3. We make wrong decisions for selfish reasons
4. We regret when it's too late
5. We dwell in self-pity.. maybe like what I'm doing right now,  I think.

So maybe... wake up?

On a lighter note, it's been a nice good relaxing and filling (literalllyyyy cause we ate so damn much) saturday.
Saturday without town isn't bad at all. 
Yes! Man is a fucking nice showwwwwwww.

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