wow, so much has happened and yet I never seem to find the time to write about it in here like I used to. Guess that could be because I am never around a computer and when I am all I seem to want to do is play poker! HA!
Yeah Christmas really wasnt all that. I worked so much I didnt really care. Grandma was here and I got so sick of her that I had to start staying with Rob just to get away. Well I guess I really didnt START staying there I guess I just went back over there. But atleast it go to me away from the mess at home. Rob and I went to the bangels game Christmas eve. It was alot of fun even though they lost. BOO but yeah I wanna go again. *see below for pictures*
New years, Well yeah that is just a wasted day. Thought it was going to be fun but Rob had been sick and was just starting to get over it. We went to Donnie and Karies to hang out there and stuff and the boys played poker and the girls played Phase 10. Kinda boring but we still had fun. Before midnite I was thinking to myself that there were all couples there besides Rob and I. Thought maybe I would get a kiss. HELL NO! He stood on the other side of the room. Douche! Oh well.
I have worked my ass off lately too. I am really growing to HATE that place. To much high school drama. We cant seem to hire anyone that is worth anything and all the new girls just keep starting moreand more drama. Furk it! If i wasnt getting free tanning i would QUIT!!!!!!!!