Oct 28, 2011 05:29

[ Action -- School, daytime ]

[ Well, at least she's not trapped in the middle of a giant gelatinous goo!

But it's still small comfort when you can fall to your death getting off your goddamn desk. Of all the times to shrink down to an inch, Yukiko has been stuck with right in the middle of lunchtime in her classroom, gone completely ( Read more... )

&c: marisa kirisame, &c: mudou sara, &p: action, &c: haruhi suzumiya, &l; school || classroom

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adropofjupiter October 27 2011, 20:00:37 UTC
[Lucky for Yukiko, there happens to be a tiny witch flying on a broom buzzing through the classroom, looking both ecstatic and irritated at the same time. Somehow.]

I don't think they can hear us, ze.


fanassaults October 27 2011, 20:52:55 UTC
[ Naturally! Amongst all the other ridiculousness, it practically passes as normal, Yukiko just thankful someone can hear her. ]

I figured as much...it'd be a lot to expect for our voiceboxes to stay the same. [ Ssssigh. ] But, what's going on here?


adropofjupiter October 27 2011, 21:06:21 UTC
I dunno, ze. It was kinds fun at first, but I'm kinda hungry now...

[Marisa lands on the desk.]


fanassaults October 27 2011, 21:14:00 UTC
[ Phew- much easier now. Yukiko comes over, eyeing the broomstick; there's some travel options now, at least. ]

Is that really what we should be thinking about right now?


adropofjupiter October 27 2011, 21:19:08 UTC
[The audible growl of Marisa's stomach is answer enough.]



1/2 fanassaults October 27 2011, 21:41:46 UTC

[ Oh, Marisa.

Oh, Marisa. ]


fanassaults October 27 2011, 21:42:24 UTC
I suppose being in an area of high traffic would increase our chances of being seen...do you think your, um, broomstick can carry the both of us?


adropofjupiter October 27 2011, 21:48:58 UTC
Yup! [She hops onto her broom sidesaddle as it hovers a few feet off the desk and offers a hand.] Wanna go for a ride, ze?


fanassaults October 27 2011, 21:51:09 UTC
[ She hesitates, shifting onto her other foot. ]

I-it's safe, right?


adropofjupiter October 27 2011, 21:53:24 UTC
Of course, it is! It's my magic, ze. As long as you don't let go you'll be fine~


fanassaults October 27 2011, 22:07:38 UTC
Alright...as long as you're extra careful.

[ Closer, and closer-- then stopped again, with one hand on the broomstick. ]

But, wait...I thought we couldn't access our powers here?


adropofjupiter October 27 2011, 22:17:55 UTC
Ah... you must be new. We get them back bit by bit after bad stuff happens. I got my broom back last time.


fanassaults October 29 2011, 09:01:17 UTC
I see... [ Welp, nothing for it! With one hand pressed on her skirt to conceal any flashes, she goes up and over, hanging on tightly.

Well! This feels odd. ]

And there's no way we can choose what we get back?


adropofjupiter October 29 2011, 13:01:55 UTC
Not that I know about, ze.

[Marisa helps Yukiko up and wraps an arm about her as best as she can. She's used to people freaking out once she starts flying when they're new to the experience.]

You'll hear talk about the Postman being able to make deals with you, but don't do it. Seriously, bad, bad news, ze.


fanassaults October 29 2011, 19:12:24 UTC
[ Nothing new here, then! She grips on tight immediately after liftoff, eyes wide. Oh god, flying. Flying the ground is so far away fuuuuu-- ]

Y-yes, I've heard that. [ The ground! Come back, ground. 8C ] But, this is amazing...!


adropofjupiter October 29 2011, 22:54:18 UTC
Isn't it? [grin] I love flying.

...so where you think we can find food that won't try to eat us first?


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