You know, i'm a slashy girl, i love my mcshep beyond reason, i love Jack/Daniel, the Janto....
This year, a ovni came in my live, Hawaii Five 0 and the incredible pairing Steve/Danny. The show is awesome, the team has a good alchemy, the three guys are sex on legs and the girl is like i like the girls, smarts with no too make up in a sort of 90210 or sex in the city way, it's cool, she's a breath of fresh air.
In the last episode i loved the end of the episode, the episode was hard to breathe and the end was so sweet.
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After the fall of SGU for lack of .... everything, the stargate is going to close but, there's a but, some members of the sg1 and SGA cast and crew work already in a very awesome show.
Sanctuary , i love the show, the cast is awesome and the crew is so good.
So this season i have a massive crush for John and Nikola Tesla, they're not the fantastic looking boys, they're men, gorgeous, sexy and dangerous. I want to share some of the screencaps take during the las episode, they were very hot.
And for finish, my other little crush, the Kurt and Blaine of Glee and the lovely moment with the "Because it's cold outside" scene. Melted my heart and brain.
By gleeOnFox (youtube member)
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I hope that you understand my english babbling and enjoy this post.
Happy holiday for all of you, dear friends.